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SDAY4 Y 22, <br />The Bard 0 . v Co stuua iridian a ver County, 'i arida; <br />r <br />th ICour i u e, sh2r ach;FI c da a r o ar r eting held <br />8: 00. t ' iocit , . ` 1: ,aY 2, ,1.9b nber were,. Present= 1s Pre- <br />s i Ed 11 k lanntEngineer, John, Su h+ riand,ai c <br />bheracid puty <br />uddj Atorl y ip eare erre the lard and <br />pr ese ed Pei ion <br />i <br />Facie by Commis oner <br />unanimously parried, that <br />n$ .06ah1e di ctissin, <br />under Chapter 7-141 ;Specia Board <br />ofCounty ion rs Indian i iv Fi rl.da , r.. duly aui:h- <br />pari e€i as d e pa Bred by Re. )IUL iu adap ed w 11(AAt vacate <br />and abnd i rel inqu ,s and di s .L i ro h i h s ; publ. aegdi. ed <br />by dedi. a .c i or o, ;any and ri h s ys e se e z s ur <br />a ieve'either conveYed to the said county gar dediCa d by plat or deed <br />r card d iu said county, grid <br />REASera eaeh Es the fee sir xie ride a i r, <br />nd F power and Light dnpa.ny, a the purchaser have duly p icned <br />the Jn rd of County Co diad River County Fls ida , to vacate <br />and a wand ix len d pa tic ut1 ry and d ai sement on the rear <br />i i roes cid <br />the owa ng de d property situate in Indian River <br />ois 9, :1 , , i aDAIt. 'Os h park", (Int( <br />ubdivisica as recorded in Pia Flook 4, , Dve <br />7 544, pu61 e cords` Indian R ver County Florid' <br />nca there is neeesar <br />