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Alfonso Fleet appeared before the Board to make application <br />for a garbage disposal franchise. He was advised to consult an Attor- <br />ney in order that proper application can be submitted to the Board for <br />further action. <br />At the request of the County Engineer, Motion was made by <br />Commissioner Waddell, seconded by Commissioner McCullers and unanimously <br />carried, that the County Engineer is authorized to advertise for 20 <br />spans of reinforcing steel. <br />The County Engineer presented a request from the Florida In- <br />land Navigation requesting the Board of County Commissioners to pay <br />the cost of $125.00 for title insurance on the South half of Wabasso <br />Island. <br />After some discussion, Motion was made by Commissioner <br />Waddell. seconded by Commissioner McCullers and unanimously carried, <br />that this Board pay the cost of title insurance, provided a proper re- <br />lease is made to the County on the South half of Wabasso Island. <br />The County Engineer reported to the Board that the State <br />Road Department Lad recon,inended a flashing beacon light be installed <br />at the '.'ab:isso crossing on the new U. S. 1. . fter considerable dis- <br />cussion, the matter was t rb1ed temporarily. <br />Notion was Trade by Commissioner ,;added, seconded by Commis- <br />sioner McCullers, and unanimously carried, that the Supervisor of Re- <br />gistration be requested to set up a separate voting precinct for the <br />Gifford area. <br />Motion was made by Commissioner seconded by Commis- <br />sioner McCullers and unanimously carried, that :he Clerk is authorized <br />to advertise, if necessary. for ten additional voting machines. <br />Motion was made by Commissioner Waddell, seconded by Commis- <br />sioner. McCullers and unanimously carried, that the Clerk is authorized <br />