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available to the Recipient. <br /> 4 . Recipient shall ensure, and provide evidence thereof to FCT, that all activities under <br /> this Agreement comply with all applicable local, state, regional and federal laws and regulations, <br /> including zoning ordinances and the adopted and approved comprehensive plan for the jurisdiction as <br /> applicable. Evidence shall be provided to FCT that all required licenses and permits have been <br /> obtained prior to the commencement of any construction. <br /> 5 . The Recipient shall, through its agents and employees, prevent the unauthorized use of <br /> the Project Site or any use thereof not in conformity with the FCT approved project plan. <br /> 6 . FCT staff or its duly authorized representatives shall have the right at any time to <br /> inspect the Project Site and the operations of the Recipient at the Project Site. <br /> 7 . All buildings, structures, improvements, and signs shall require the prior written <br /> approval of FCT as to purpose. Further, tree removal, other than non-native species, and/or major <br /> land alterations shall require the written approval of FCT . The approvals required from FCT shall not <br /> be unreasonably with-held by FCT upon sufficient demonstration that the proposed structures, <br /> buildings, improvements, signs, vegetation removal or land alterations will not adversely impact the <br /> natural resources of the Project Site. The approval by FCT of the Recipient's management plan <br /> addressing the items mentioned herein shall be considered written approval from FCT. <br /> 8 . If archaeological and historic sites are located on the Project Site, the Recipient shall <br /> comply with Chapter 267, Florida Statutes. The collection of artifacts from the Project Site or the <br /> disturbance of archaeological and historic sites on the Project Site will be prohibited unless prior <br /> written authorization has been obtained from the Department of State, Division of Historical <br /> Resources. <br /> 9 , The Recipient shall ensure that the Project Site is identified as being publicly owned <br /> and operated as a passive, natural resource-based public outdoor recreational site in all signs, <br /> literature and advertising regarding the Project Site. The Recipient shall erect a sign(s) identifying the <br /> Project Site as being open to the public and as having been purchased with funds from FCT and <br /> Recipient. <br /> IV. OBLIGATIONS INCURRED BY RECIPIENT AS A RESULT OF BOND Co <br /> PROCEEDS BEING UTILIZED TO PURCHASE THE PROJECT SITE. <br /> U' <br /> 1 . If the Project Site is to remain subject, after its acquisition by the State and the c. <br /> Recipient, to any of the below listed activities or interests, the Recipient shall provide at least 60 days <br /> written notice of any such activity or interest to FCT prior to the activity taking place, and shall ' <br /> provide to FCT such information with respect thereto as FCT reasonably requests in order to evaluate 00the legal and tax con-sequences <br /> of such activity or interest : 49;- <br /> i <br /> GAA\01454-FF1 <br /> 6/ 18/03 <br /> 5 <br />