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Exhibit "A" <br /> The North 10 acres of the East 20 acres of Tract 1 , Section 7 , Township 32 South , <br /> Range 39 East ; ( LESS the South 396 . 00 feet thereof ; and LESS the North 264 . 00 <br /> feet of the West 150 . 00 feet thereof ; also LESS canal and road rights-of-way) ; <br /> according to the last general plat of Indian River Farms Company Subdivision <br /> recorded in Plat Book 2 , Page 25 , of the Public Records of St . Lucie County , <br /> Florida ; said lands now lying and being in Indian River County , Florida . <br /> Containing 2 . 27 acres more or less . <br /> Subject to all easements , restrictions , rights of way and reservations of <br /> record and all taxes and assessments and taxes subsequent to 1991 . <br /> P I D#32-39-07-00001 -0010-00001 . 0 <br /> Commonly known as : 6875/6885 66th Avenue <br /> Vero Beach , FL 32967 <br /> 5 <br />