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In all areas East of the Indian River•to be referred <br />to as the beach area, all pickups will be at the rate of $.75 <br />per pickup; provided, however, that all pickups in the beach <br />area will be made pursuant to agreements between the consumer <br />and the Company as to the number of pickups per month. If any <br />person serviced by the Company under this franchise complains <br />to the Board concerning the rates, charges and/or operations <br />of such utility and the Company, after request is made upon'it <br />by the Board, fails to satisfy or remedy such complaint or <br />objection or fails to satisfy the Board that said complaint or <br />objection is not proper, the Board may thereupon, after due <br />notice to such utility, schedule a hearing concerning such <br />complaint or objection and the Board may review the rates and <br />charges set and charged by the Company for the services which <br />it furnishes or the nature and character of the service it fur- <br />nishes <br />ur-nishes or the quality of services furnished. If the Board <br />enters its order pursuant to such hearing and the Company <br />feels it is aggrieved by such order, the Company may seek re- <br />view of the Board's action by proceedings in the Circuit Court <br />of the County; otherwise, the Company shall promptly comply <br />with the order of the Board. <br />SECTION XII <br />The County shall have access at all reasonable hours <br />to all of the Company's contracts, accounting, financial, sta- <br />tistical, consumer and service records relating to the opera- <br />tion of the Company and to all other records required to be <br />kept by the Company, and the Company shall file such accounting <br />reports and data with the County when required. <br />SECTION XIII <br />The Company shall at all times maintain public lia- <br />bility and property damage insurance in such amounts as shall <br />—5— DOla 8 MAGE293 <br />ROBERT JACKSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, VERO BEACH, FLORIDA <br />