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SPECIAL CONDITIONS FOR PERMIT NO. 0541 <br /> .� 1 . This permit applies to : (A) proposed replacement of existing Oslo Road (5th <br /> Street S . W. — County Road No . 606) bridge over Lateral "J" Canal with a precast <br /> "Conspan" bridge culvert structure" ; (B ) partial relocation and reconnection of <br /> Sub-Lateral J-2 Canal through 60 " diameter R. C . P . culvert into above mentioned <br /> bridge culvert structure, and (C) the removal and relocation by directional bore of <br /> existing 20 " diameter water main below the new bridge culvert structure, all as <br /> shown on plans signed and sealed by Brian Good, P . E . , dated August 13 , 2005 . <br /> 2 . All work on this project within the wetted perimeter and banks of District canal <br /> involving dewatering activities, blocking or partially blocking of flows within the <br /> canals , final grading, stabilization, armoring, etc . shall be performed and <br /> completed during the dry season of the year (December through May) . <br /> 3 . Floor/invert elevation of bridge culvert structure to be constructed with upstream <br /> (south) invert of 8 . 2 and downstream (north) invert of 8 . 3 ( 1929-NGVD) . <br /> 4 . In addition to proposed temporary 60" diameter flow through culvert, one or more <br /> pumps with a minimum total capacity of 26 , 000 GPM shall be provided/installed <br /> at construction site and maintained in fully operational mode (in case of an <br /> unusual heavy storm event) to pump water around subject construction site <br /> throughout dewatering stage of Phases I, II and III of the project . <br /> 5 . In addition to above, during Phase II and III of project, a pump shall be <br /> provided/installed in Sub-Lateral J-2 Canal upstream of proposed temporary dam, <br /> with minimum capacity of 9 , 000 GPM to pump stormwater discharge <br /> around/downstream of subject construction site . <br /> 6 . The temporary culvert and sheeting shall be installed as shown in detail of Sheet <br /> No . 10 of subject plans, with a maximum top elevation of 17 . 0 ' (NGVD) on <br /> proposed sheeting, and maximum elevation of 14 . 0 ' (NGVD) on earthen berm <br /> " over temporary 60 " diameter culvert . <br /> 7 . In the event of a storm event that exceeds the temporary pump and gravity by- <br /> pass culvert conveyance capacity or is deemed a necessity for flood control by a <br /> representative of Indian River Farms Water Control District (IRFWCD) , or the <br /> County, the contractor shall be prepared to and shall remove the temporary <br /> culvert and sheeting immediately following such notification . <br /> 8 . As set forth in Standard Proviso No . 1 of this permit, the permittee assumes full <br /> responsibility for any construction and operations within the District ' s canal and <br /> right-of-way associated with the issuance of this permit including increased <br /> tailwater/flood stages upstream of project site, and shall save and hold harmless <br /> ,. the District from any expense, loss , damage or claim in regards thereto . <br /> J :\IEC\IRF WCD\irfwcd-spec-cond-per# .doc <br />