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IRC Work Order #3 MMR&T <br /> Vero Lake Estates IWh -106'" Ave & 94 ' Street <br /> Page 6 of 6 <br /> • Tas '. <br /> 1 , PertOrm % arious sune� ing serices in suppor, u- the design c:nd cr�nstruCiOr as d retied h, the ' taunt, Enguleensr <br /> c`,unt, sun ?-Or at time and dater.als rct?s in .r- rdance aid- J� esisting_ AGREB% 1Et` dL?ed ' .o�. ember 6th <br /> � On- bet.%. eer SL R\ EV"OR and the COUNT) <br /> SECTION ill - TIME FOR COMPLETION S DELI\"ERABLES l\'ORk PRODL CT <br /> I . Task I shall he rompleter. ::ith n thi W, Il0r bcsiness da% s from .otica'o Proce-n <br /> • Prov. ide Three i _ i herd rcpies of '.he Sur. e': and a CD c-nt: nng an eectfcnic i*u:01: AD file r state plane <br /> genmetn and PDF of each sheet of the snr, e: - <br /> _. Tasl. ; 7 ^'n a as reedec and or requested :iasis <br /> SECTION 1\' - COMPENSATION <br /> Task I <br /> The CC)L.NT\ agrees to pak-. incl the SLR\Fl"OR agees to ao_ept. are :he —;:1. 1 ser. .res renceren as dentifiedl r Seniors 1 . 11 . <br /> and I o- This \i'orl.. Order No. 1. n lump sunt, fee Of 59.-00.1"111, <br /> Task ' '. <br /> The COLNTI agrees to pay ::nd The SDRiieEl-OR agrees to ocrep: 'cr the -sl: = ser: ees rendered as dentitiecl r Senior, I . II <br /> and I ocrhis 1t, Orl, Osier III l . a no' Time and alaton tl Lasis . .-t To E.ceer' i?e of S3 "100 'I.,I <br /> cre: Property res dei;icTed On Topographic Sure•.: perfomlec r.ithoot the bene-It of a BMirdan: Sur-e+: %% i 1-v sh:zr. n <br /> 1ppro�imade. The accurac• c- The prmpem nes is Oct guarantee- and are rote int?nde . to IIe used 'cr design Or p arming <br /> purposes. <br /> .` pnn -ear Terbal authorcaticn -or this sur.. e•-. ':re order re•.earch rnateia s �r - set Up OUT ,Ob f e . Ir lfhe e , ent fit a <br /> Cance atior and in omertO y. er our cessI � cu will he hired -cr a I I srk etperses incwred tip to the care o- cancel anal. <br /> inducling cysts to dose out four fila See The attached -are stand arc Cord -. nrs <br /> Pr ce is based and corn mgenr upOn site conritions deso i_aed _t,.: Cion- or Clierts represent:[i:e. It. epor :: mr,c s, jah site . <br /> cOirc hors described in nor acrruateh: retle the aeual condinens of the properr:I charge. -Or , iclrnn 1 I. : Tl, <br /> 3dditioral charges nis- a so zpph far research ani office acak and espenses recessar: to resol%: problems lith cur egal <br /> .escrpiiorroof res o. ith r_ gh8oring legal desctipticr an,ci discrepalrrie; fluoro ac. erse use. inti civate :If missing <br /> Intcrntation. <br /> . the undeaiglec . agree to al the teem; of this Agreerrert and the Standar = itinrs o - r; Cr traci asachecl 1'.-rete . <br /> Client's Printed --ante <br /> - tient§ Sg111Dale Red Reed. tiier Presiders D..U­ <br /> a-uTe <br /> t. las:a er. \ IC PT Peed Tai. Or. Inc . <br /> Pati= 2 r.,f <br />