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2. In order to accomplish the work described under this Agreement in the time frames and <br /> conditions set forth in this Agreement, the ENGINEER will observe the following <br /> requirements: <br /> a. The ENGINEER will complete his work on the project within the time allowed by <br /> maintaining an adequate staff of registered engmecrs, draftsmen, and other <br /> employees on the work- <br /> b. <br /> orkb. The ENGINEER will base all right-of-way cost estimates for roadway alternatives <br /> so as to he in reasonable conformance with applicable federal, state and local <br /> laws, and shall comply with the Florida Department of Transportation's Manual <br /> on Uniform Minimum Standards for the Design, Construction, and Maintenance <br /> of Streets and Highways (Green Book), latest edition. <br /> C. The ENGINEER will cooperate with the COUNTY in order that all work may be <br /> properly scheduled and coordinated. <br /> d. The ENGINEER shall report the status of this project to the County Attorney's <br /> Office or his designee upon request and hold all drawings, calculations and <br /> related work open to the inspection of the County Attorney or his authorized <br /> agent at any time, upon reasonable request <br /> 3. Compensation to the ENGINEER for basic services shall be in accordance with <br /> Section V — Compensation, of this Agreement, as mutually agreed upon by the <br /> ENGINEER and COUNTY. <br /> SECTION IV - TIME FOR COMPLETION <br /> The time for completion of the tasks shall be on a case by case basis as agreed to by the parties. <br /> SECTION V - COMPENSATION <br /> The COUNTY agrees to pay and the ENGINEER agrees to accept for services rendered pursuant <br /> to this Agreement fees in accordance with the hourly fee schedule attached. <br /> SECTION VI - ADDITIONAL WORK <br /> In the event changes or modifications such as additions or deletions become desired by the <br /> COUNTY, those changes shall be the subject of a separate fee schedule included in the work order. <br /> SECTION VH - PARTIAL PAYMENTS <br /> The COUNTY shall make a lump sum payment to the ENGINEER as identified in this <br /> Agreement Payment shall be made pursuant to the Local Government Prompt Payment Act, Florida <br /> Statute 218.70 et seq. <br /> , SECTION VIII - EXTRA WORK Ddeted: I <br /> In the event extra work is necessary by the ENGINEER due to a change in scope of the project, <br /> such work shall be the subject of a supplemental Work Order approved by the Board of County <br /> Commissioners or the County Administrator. <br /> 2 <br />