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The Chairman read the -foregoing notice and asked if anyone <br />present wished to be heard. Mr. Harvey Foe, Attorney representing <br />various property owners, was recognized by the Chair and at this time <br />presented argument and objections against the bulkhead line as advertised <br />by the Board. His main argument was that the bulkhead line traversed <br />land and this, in his opinion, was illegal. <br />Mr. Charles Herring, Attorney representing a group of property <br />owners in the bay area, requested that the bay included in the bulkhead <br />line description be left out entirely. After much discussion, Motion <br />was made by Commissioner Macdonald, seconded by Commissioner McCullers <br />and unanimously carried, that these groups get all information, surveys, <br />etc. together and meet with a committee at a later date and that no <br />action be taken on the bulkhead line at this time. The Chairman <br />appointed Co;mnissioner .vaddell, Commissioner Macdonald and the County <br />Engineer to serve on this committee. <br />yrs. Janet H. Showalter, Chairman of the Republican Executive <br />Committee, appeared before the Board and presented a list of persons <br />that she would like placed on the election board. She was informed by <br />the Chairman that the Boar would take it under ;.advisement. <br />Mr. .John Erickson who is obtaining right of way for Florida <br />Power and Liht Company ed before the Board and stated that <br />Flori<'.a Power and Light <br />vas endeavori_n to get an additional <br />sixty foot easement through Von) Tropical Gardens Subdivision. The <br />County attorney advised hi.: tc- consult thr \ttornevs for Florida Power <br />and L.iht Company as he felt sure they would know what procedure is <br />necessary tc he followed. <br />After further considering Mrs. Showalter's request, the Chairman <br />requested the Clerk to write and advise her that the election officials <br />have been selected for the next election and should she or any other <br />person have any bona fide complaint against any election official in the <br />county, present it to the Commissioners and we will make any desirable changes. <br />Motion was made by Commissioner Waddell, seconded by Commissioner <br />Macdonald and unanimously carried, that the following named persons have <br />been selected to serve on the election board on May 5, 1964. <br />