<br /> The Property shall be maintained to preserve the Conservation Purposes of this
<br /> Easement. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing Grantor agrees that the
<br /> following uses and practices, though not an exhaustive recital of inconsistent uses and
<br /> practices, are expressly prohibited or restricted :
<br /> A. No soil , trash , liquid or solid waste (including sludge), or unsightly, offensive ,
<br /> or hazardous materials, wastes or substances, toxic wastes or substances, pollutants or
<br /> contaminants , including , but not limited to, those as now or hereafter defined by federal
<br /> or Florida law defining hazardous materials, wastes or substances , toxic wastes or
<br /> substances, pollutants or contaminants shall be dumped or placed on the Property.
<br /> This prohibition shall not be construed to include reasonable amounts of waste
<br /> generated as a result of allowed activities .
<br /> B . The exploration for and extraction of oil , gas , minerals , dolostone, peat, muck,
<br /> marl , limestone , limerock, kaolin , fuller's earth , phosphate, common clays , gravel , shell ,
<br /> sand and similar substances either directly or indirectly by Grantor or on Grantor's
<br /> behalf or with the joinder or consent of Grantor in any application for a permit so to do,
<br /> under and by virtue of the authority of a grant or reservation or other form of ownership
<br /> of or interest in or control over or right to such substances , except as reasonably
<br /> necessary to combat erosion or flooding , or except as necessary and lawfully allowed
<br /> for the conduct of allowed activities.
<br /> C. Activities that will be detrimental to drainage, flood control , water
<br /> conservation , erosion control , soil conservation , or fish and wildlife habitat preservation
<br /> unless otherwise provided in this Easement. There shall be no dredging of new canals,
<br /> construction of new dikes , manipulation of natural water courses, or disruption ,
<br /> alteration, pollution , depletion, or extraction on the Property of existing surface or
<br /> subsurface water flow or natural water sources, fresh water lakes, ponds and pond
<br /> shores, marshes , creeks or any other water bodies, nor any activities or uses conducted
<br /> on the Property that would be detrimental to water purity or that could alter natural water
<br /> level or flow in or over the Property. Provided , however, Grantor may continue to
<br /> operate , maintain , or replace existing and permitted ground water wells incident to
<br /> allowed uses on the Property, subject to legally required permits and regulations .
<br /> D . Acts or uses detrimental to the preservation of the structural integrity or
<br /> physical appearance of any portions of the Property having historical or archaeological
<br /> significance . Grantor shall notify the Florida Department of Historical Resources or its
<br /> successor (" FDHR") if historical , archaeological or cultural sites are discovered on the
<br /> Property, and any sited deemed to be of historical or archaeological significance shall
<br /> be afforded the same protections as significant sites known to exist at the time of
<br /> entering into this easement. Grantor will follow the Best Management Practices of the
<br /> Division of Historic Resources, as amended from time to time .
<br /> E . The removal , destruction , cutting , trimming , mowing , alteration or spraying
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