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EXHIBIT A <br />immediately inform the applicant by mail. The applicant will then have until the date <br />established by the Board m the application package to bring the application into <br />compliance. If the applicant fails to provide a complete application in compliance with <br />these rules, the application will not be considered for funding. In order to have a <br />complete application, the applicant shall not only submit the forms required under Rule <br />66B-2.006, F.A.C., and any other information requirements identified in the Application <br />Checklist (FIND Form Number 90-26), but such forms and other submitted information <br />must be completely filled out, executed as applicable, and also establish compliance with <br />Chapter 66B-2, F.A.C. <br />(6) Interlocal Agreements: Applications that the Board determines will directly <br />benefit the maintenance of the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway channel as documented by <br />the District's long range dredged matenal management plans, will directly benefit the <br />maintenance of the Okeechobee Waterway channel as documented by the District's long <br />range dredged material management plan, will directly benefit the maintenance or <br />improvement of District property, right-of-way or navigation interests, or have multiple <br />funding partners including the Corps of Engineers as the proj ect manager can qualify for <br />project assistance through an interlocal agreement pursuant to Chapter 163, F.S., or <br />Section 374.984(6)(a), F.S. District staff will identify these applications and present them <br />to the Board for their determination as to funding Interlocal agreement projects shall <br />comply with all other provisions of this rule, except for pre -agreement expenses, <br />permitting and property control requirements. <br />(7) Application Presentations: Applications determined to be complete and in <br />compliance with this rule will be forwarded to the Board for review and then scheduled <br />for presentation to the Board at a scheduled meeting of the Board. Applicants can decline <br />to make a presentation to the Board by submitting a wntten request. <br />(8) Application Evaluation and Rating Score: Following the presentations, the <br />Board will review the applications and evaluate them using the Waterways Assistance <br />Program Application Evaluation and Rating Worksheets No. 91-25(a thru f) for <br />Waterways Assistance Program applications, and 93-25 (a b and c) Waterways <br />Assistance Program Navigation Related Districts applications. The total points awarded <br />to each application by the Commissioners will be averaged to determine an application's <br />final rating score. The final rating score for each application must equal or exceed 35 <br />points for the application to be considered for funding assistance. Reconsideration of any <br />application with a final rating score of less than 35 points will only occur if the majority <br />of the Commissioners evaluating the project rated the project equal to or exceeding 35 <br />points and two-thirds of the Commissioners vote for reconsideration of the application. <br />Only Applicants that are eligible under Rule 66B-2 0061 "Disaster Relief", shall <br />complete FIND Form No 91-25F Emergency Re -Construction (effective date 4-24-06). <br />(9) Funding Determination The Board will hold a funding allocation meeting at <br />which time the Board will determine the allocation of funds if any, to each project and <br />the projects will be ranked by overall average score to facilitate final funding decisions <br />by the Board. Allocations will be based in part upon the cumulative score of the <br />applications as calculated from the Project Evaluation and Rating Form. Allocations will <br />also be based upon the specific needs of the individual counties. <br />Specific Authority 374.976(2) FS. <br />Law Implemented 374.976(1) FS. <br />