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BK: 2138 PG: 1367 <br />02/16/2007 09;45 5727705107 PURCHASING <br />GAGE 05 <br />SEC ()N 00612 <br />PAYMENT BOND <br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: <br />BYTHISSOND,We• S,P`8, Contracting, Inc. - 9015 Americana Rd., <br />suite _#]. Vero Beach FL 32966 (772) 778 4878 <br />as Principal and Fidelity S Deposit Company of Maryland - 863 Creston Dr. , <br />Maitland. FL 32751 (407) 629-1955 _ <br />1NSERrNAME, PRWMAL &USINESS ADDRESS, ANo CNONE NUMaER OR7/r,�' �NTR4CTOR <br />q` M aERT MANX PRMPAL EUSN�VrMS,,ADDRESS, AND PHOW NUAMM pF 7NE <br />$�ve�Hun�r�`eY`4t nn y�g €`k ` �j �� 3 Rive98 41011de, In the sum <br />Of <br />1009b Of the total bid rice. For the ), amounting to <br />P payment of said sum we bind ourselves, our heirs, <br />M6 <br />administrators and assigns, jointly and severaAy, for <br />the faithful pertomrance of a <br />cattalo wriKen Contract, dated the . /3 day of J�Fe e�raeY X0 entered <br />Into between the Prindpai and the County of Indian River, for <br />Project Name: Force Main Construction for the West Wastewater <br />Transndaelon System, Phase 2 <br />County Project Number; UCP -2628 <br />County Bid Number. 2007028 <br />CDBG Contract P. N/A <br />Project Location: Intersection of 58th Avenue and 5th Street SW east to 2& <br />Avenue, south to Oso Road, east to LS 88, <br />Project Description: Furnish all labor, equipment, and materials neessaary to construct <br />appro)dmatety 10,206 -LF of 24 -Inch forcemain including, but not <br />necessarily Ilmited to, a total of 2530 -LF horizontal directional drill <br />at three (3) locations, all fittings, pipe, appurtenances, clearing, <br />restoration, and all testing as shown on the drawings and as <br />depicted in these documents <br />A copy of said Contract including aN Contract Documents therein referenced and made a part <br />thereof is incorporated herein by reference and Is made a part hereof as if fully coped herein. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, THE CONDITIONS OF THIS OSUGATION ARE SUCH, that, if the <br />Prindpal shall promptly make payments to a0 claimants, as defined below, then this obligation <br />shall be void; otherwise, this eontl shall remain in full force and effect SUNeet to the following <br />terms and conditions: <br />1. A claimant is defined as any person supplying the Principal with labor, materials or <br />supplies, used directly or indirectly by the Principal in the prosecution of the Work <br />provided for in said Contract and is further defined In Florida Statutes Section <br />713.01. <br />044672015 <br />00812 -1 <br />A TRUE COPY <br />CERTIFICATION ON LAST PAGE <br />J.K. BARTON, CLERK <br />