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Mr. Erik Olson Page 2 <br /> September 17, 2008 <br /> assessment. Ensuring that adverse impacts to existing legal users , local wetlands , and localized <br /> ground water quality does not occur cannot be accomplished without the additional resolution that <br /> the County model is attaining. <br /> I encourage you all to contact us if, in responding to the questions, any clarification is needed. " <br /> For clarity, we are providing a brief description of what SJRWMD and PBS&J agreed to do with regards to <br /> RAI No. 4, as well as a basic budget for accomplishing those tasks. Please note that the responses to RAI No. <br /> 4 Comments Nos . 1 through 5 are essentially complete and not included in this request. <br /> To complete the basic modeling refinements/revisions associated with question 6 will be $ 16,000. This <br /> includes converting the modeled drain cells to a three-canal configuration using the River Package, adjusting <br /> the other model input criteria (pumpage, leakance, recharge) as outlined in the request from SJRWMD, and <br /> adjusting the initial chloride concentration for the SEAWAT evaluation. <br /> Once this modeling is complete, there is a question of calibration. The model will most likely require <br /> calibration and can range from a minimum amount to $20,000. We would only charge the County for the <br /> actual efforts needed to calibrate the model (i . e . , time and materials), and if it appeared that the District would <br /> require additional calibration that would exceed $20,000, we would contact the County prior to completing <br /> additional work. <br /> The one comment that appears in both RAI No. 3 and RAI No. 4 is the request to have the modeling results <br /> appear in ASTM format. According to Rich Burklew, this is a staff request, not a permitting requirement. If <br /> the data and model are accepted by the District, we can present the model results in the RAI response without <br /> the need for reformatting the original model report to ASTM format. If the County would like to have the <br /> results reformatted, the cost for this work would be $9,000. <br /> The total fee assumed to respond to the fourth RAI is $47,000. The County could reduce this to $38,000 by <br /> not including the reformatting of the report. A further reduction may be realized if the calibration is minimal. <br /> Although some of the modeling data required is dependent on the SJRWMD responsiveness to data requests , <br /> we believe we can complete this work in time to avoid an extension to the RAI if notice to proceed <br /> is <br /> provided no later than September 30, 2008 . Otherwise, the County will need to seek an extension from <br /> SJRWMD. <br /> Your immediate consideration of this request is greatly appreciated. Should you have any questions, please <br /> call me at 863 -533 -7000. <br /> Sincerely, <br /> PBS&J, Inc. <br /> Kim S . Keefer, PE <br /> Associate <br /> C. Michael Hotchkiss, Michael Alfieri, Michael Micheau , Tom Farkas, Kevin Dorsey <br />