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a <br />county C our River Count - <br />described r erty;: <br />A 52 <br />_ft <br />SE 1/4 f <br />40 East, - <br />t, tad <br />/4 and the <br />South, Rangy <br />V iin5,4 par a <br />the "urrtr t d t 4 of i <br />Sec tett C3, run .. 40" \est a di to i oaf 1173. h <br />feet to the P. .,.8# f a ru ' , concave t th rth a t and <br />fz vfug a rac e f � � # f e t, h tz run g paid <br />curve 14 1. 7 feet tr ugh t tra at g " t t <br />end of paid ur e, th rt t a tau <br />124.49 feet t ry y <br />co t`iflUe N <br />North line tx �s paid pt 14 ) ft :apt <br />f the NOVI-MOST, corm.r t ct: a w p utb, <br />ange 40 East; Containing . 342 at±.r , r . <br />Ctbr 22, 1964,; by said County commtazr'. Indian diver .ty, <br />giving notice that pubi . heart d b n verbs 4, 1964, <br />at 9;30 A.riskier the .bandu i sit tai t% abuv d a ribs d farc e r <br />i , auuu <br />dance with: Section 336k 0 of the a tatut rt <br />�twwf;A, <br />public hear .1d on November 4, 364, at <br />A. and °u td a.tion w . i given to the advisability of exercising f t <br />a the ri y to banduu ab d gibed property as gr r n d to the Cc <br />C �� <br />loner f iudi a Aver aunty a td r ton 336: l cad th hurl <br />atut <br />and <br />eft A, it was found that the above described property was, not <br />r d dgforstreet, `road, hi h vay oany th r puhlic purpose by Indian <br />