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assets . . . funds shall not supplant local tax revenues made available for operations in the previous <br /> year) of the block grant program as delineated in Chapter 341 . 052 F . S . , have been adhered to . <br /> The Agency shall provide the Department with two (2 ) copies of its most current adopted budget <br /> together with two (2 ) copies of the National Transportation Database ( NTD ) report at the same time <br /> the NTD report is submitted to the Federal Transit Administration or by March 1 , whichever is <br /> earlier. Unless the adopted budget uses a format consistent with the NTD report , the copy provided <br /> to the Department will indicate how the projections for total local revenue , local tax revenue made <br /> available for operations , and depreciation and amortization costs , as they will appear in the NTD <br /> report , can be identified . <br /> The Agency shall publish in the local newspaper of its area , in the format prescribed by <br /> the <br /> Department , the productivity and performance measures established for the transit providers most <br /> recently completed fiscal year and the prior fiscal year. This report shall be approved by the <br /> Department of Transportation prior to its publication . This report shall be submitted to the <br /> Department no later than September 15 each year, and published either by November 1 , or no later <br /> than twenty eight (28 ) calendar days of the Department's written approval of the report . The <br /> Agency shall furnish an affidavit of publication to the Department within twenty eight (28 ) calendar <br /> days of publication . <br /> The Agency shall submit a Transit Development Plan (TDP ) to the Department by July 1 each year. <br /> A TDP shall comply with the following elements at a minimum . <br /> 1 . The TDP shall identify and list community goals and policies with respect to transportation <br /> and land use in general and specifically to transit service . <br /> 2 . The TDP shall identify and quantify the community's need for transit service using <br /> demographic , socioeconomic , land use , transportation , and transit data as appropriate . <br /> There shall be an opportunity for the public to express the need for transit service <br /> improvements , such as but not limited to , Citizens Advisory Committees and workshops . <br /> 3 . The TDP shall include an analysis of the service currently provided in the community by <br /> public and private transit service providers in terms of quality and quantity of service . The <br /> TDP shall present an analysis of any variation between the need identified and the service <br /> provided and present alternative methods of addressing any deficiencies (and the costs and <br /> benefits of each . ) The process for selecting an alternative method implementation shall <br /> include an opportunity for public participation . <br /> 4 . The TDP shall present a five year program for implementing the alternative selected . The <br /> five year program shall include : maps indicating areas served and the type and level of <br /> service to be provided , a monitoring program to track performance measures , a five year <br /> financial plan listing operating and capital expenses and anticipated revenues by source , <br /> and , a list of projects or services for which funding has not been identified . The last three <br /> years of the program may be presented with less detail than the first two years . <br />