<br /> PARTIES: - — _ Paau7. ("Seller")
<br /> of _ . ,- $06 _ N`l R° AVf4GYFE. pero�� h 81 {,�Q 329fiO (Phone) (5611 5¢7_9.263 ,
<br /> a"d . Indi4rt. 15i93L C2Vfaty ;_Do11ti 1 nhdigi i��_thftt__Atftte n£ FloriddA__ ("Bayer'),
<br /> of 1840 2$th Street . Vero Eea�la_ B'�pSj,daL�Z9¢y_ Meet) __(�5§] �r67_ BOl)O
<br /> busby apaeWd faster shall sell and Buyer shall bay the fellowing Real Property'and Personal Property (co8ediuell "Property+') upon thew Ilowinglerms and
<br /> conditions, which INCLUDE Standards for Real Esse Transactions ('Slandard(s)') on the reverse aide or eOadsed hardo mid riders and addenda to this
<br /> Coedited for Sale and Pufdeie("COnhad!).
<br /> (a) Lugs) desaiplien of Real Property located in __1➢at�.nn Rdver County_ fbauty, Harida: _
<br /> See-legs-1 di eactrip Jop_$xk}ip,1 y_A_A,1•_t;plt�d�hn�eko and rllade a na t h _ __
<br /> __— -- -_ _ . —
<br /> (11) shred addreaa, day. fir, OfamPropertyis: . 43rd Avenue_ richt=Rf._vwrCDd4nty_fieei7r_Np .._96O1 , _ pure__st . No . .
<br /> 146 containing 2,_k5_Q. SF P 61 . 00/Ror Sr S3 96r�Oi_Zlght-oY-wav flsncLp2ztiaDl�_
<br /> (c) Per N-Sa m e771fif�1'1/6C!.:� � N,itS F1 T r_x;�I_iPAFN COAGPENSf 1�iNRK T,fF Sag�I_�
<br /> CoG ,HWS 0 MO t �fa�HRct°..FEN�/{y, AT TfM OF APaixr_>" CM/Sn.p(/Crr 4N BL/ A6�.4-5
<br /> T PkOl 2 YWO A(Ac rS NE DF THEc<Sq,K[ B- AfJ/2s7+ LF THE A gr&JR&ual
<br /> S p JM E ST" f3CLFbSED SLdKriAGK AGON6 93 a"AUE+Y(lZ E OF Z'f •, To_3o" Ni6H R'AN�. Ya"APAEi;
<br /> /P41ZTa Cu eat6U fCwT OF CWSMIC17ZW SEZG MAY MOI!S lriE WRCozzsaeNS 7° 7!>E /1EM.Is�✓OE,¢' F/Ri�x'ry
<br /> R. "RaDasnpBrCE /.T.2G'dL �FFEat'S6._GC.LS.ErlCTY/Ez�jLEEA..TI/AT..711E..OrIIYfN'AY S_ 7. 9_I10 . 00 .
<br /> PAYh1EN'f: rf.✓NK o.Y as/c¢ He /Z a tNGairOrN AW5 FacazG�S T ;cffQli A CLW -
<br /> (a) Depvsitheldin escrow6y CJr OF Ar LEiiSr 3S� l4rMA ) mthe arnaun( of........................ $ __ _ Q_
<br /> (b) Addition at marany deposit Wthin _ days after Effective Date (e defne ph 111) in the amount of , .._..._._ S9
<br /> (c) Subject to AND assumption ofnearpr in pod stand"mgin faveroT
<br /> having an appromre
<br /> rnetepsenl principal bdwmof............. ...... . $
<br /> (d) Rudmae money modgage and nota (xe eddrmdum) bs theemount of .... ..... ....__. ..._......... __...............
<br /> __... ..........._. S D
<br /> (e) Mid: S
<br /> If)
<br /> (B9danceloeose byU.S. ends, LOCALLY DRAR'Wart.Bedorrsshiels ...edcorlhvdpert( loco, subjeattondjuslrc�eds - - -
<br /> and Pronliona ...... ........_..___........ ........................ $
<br /> ......_........._. ......................__.._........................... ...... X900 . 09 _
<br /> hi OFpEemn the CTIV'EDATbefore RIO.E: Ifthu olFerunolemMedbywdll.deliveredayer' a11 parties OR FAC OF
<br /> or mid
<br /> TIONmhhmerman. o dated Conte lhapadiveonobe elle a do . tithe Rove will, eflarhiq ,ipedlbibeffe, Ad to lhhye
<br /> cobs WiavR Wtharaun. Thadda of CoeGadpOlfedlve Ode") fill bl purp se Wawthelnd one ofthe lhhyer wit Sellerhm sighed Ihis after. A f.+aimilc
<br /> copy oflhi.+ Contra¢ and enysg�aturea M1ereon droll bemnsidered for all purposes ere originals.
<br /> Of. FINANCING:
<br /> (a) Ifthe purchase prim or any part ofit isto befmanced by a third-party loan, (his Confined is mndfioned on Buyer obwminga written m mhinnsht mPohin
<br /> says after Effective Date for (CHECK ONLY ONE): ❑ afixed; 0 am adjustable; or [] a flue! cr adjndible rate loan hfor Un: pfindpol
<br /> w
<br /> anuntofs , at an innialinlvcat rale not to armed %, diamnntmdodgnhatinnfeesnottoexmed
<br /> _ % of the principal amount, end a term of years. Huver adll make application within days after Fffedive Date and use
<br /> masonable diligence to obtain Ihelorm mrmNmhrnt and Wereafter, m satisfy thelemry and mnd'dious ofthe mrmniunhat and dose Ole loan. Dun? shall
<br /> pay all loan eapmms. R Rover fails to obtain the whmdumht or failsto liaive Buyer's rialds under this subparegmph within the tiro for obtainbtg a
<br /> momitined or, after diligent effort, fails to meet the teens and conditions of the mnannmwf, than eitherparty theremem, by waivan notice to the
<br /> other, maycanml this Contras and Buyer shallbe refunded thedet it(sy Or
<br /> (b) The existing mortgage described in Pamgeph ll(j abovehas(CHECKONLY ONE): ❑ n variable interest nue; or ❑ o fixed nnemd rale of
<br /> 'S per annum AttbnecftaletrmnRr someRmd mterestrates are subjmto increase. If increased, Lmrste dial] not exceed ^% per annum
<br /> Sello- shell, .vilhin days after ElCative Date, furnish a datamrmt Rom each matgapye difingprincipal balance, method ofpmmmt, interest rate
<br /> and status of mortgage. IfBuyerhas aNeed to assume amortgean Whish requite approval of Buyer bythe mortgagee for essuhrption, firm Du_ver shall
<br /> prohtq<lyobtain tM1e necessary appliation end diligently mhsplde and vadum R[o Ohs rraartgagec.
<br /> Any hsmrtgagee dmrge(s)nnt to exceeds shall be paid byBuyer ifBuye isnotamptedbymodFWCorllherequiremenifor
<br /> assumption transit in aomrdance with the terms ofthis Cmdrad or mortgagee makes a sharp in assess ofthe dated amount, Seller or Buyer oev rescind
<br /> th is ConlradhywrRdrm notice to One other party odmeseilher eleds m pnyMa increase in interest rate or exam mortgagee dmrgea.
<br /> V. TITLEEVIDENCE. At lead days before dosingdale, but no earlier than days oder SeOu remitesmt(an nolifia(ion WatBuyu
<br /> has obbibedtheloan manhilnant or bean approved farthe low assurplion asprovided in PmagraphslV(s) and (b), shove, or, ifappliable, waived the fman-
<br /> cingrequirements, (CIF.CKONLY ONE): [] Seller shall, at Seller's apwae, deliver be Day" or Buyer's attorney, or Boyer shelldMiyeh's espense oU[nin ,
<br /> in accordance uStandard
<br /> ixmpOons) and, a@erdosingAan, osm�er' abdrad oftitle; ormtife mpslidedas
<br /> usianm.
<br /> Vl. Q.OSHeC DATE: Thistransaction shall be dosed and the deed and father dnsingpapem delivered on orba£orq 60 d3yr2 unless m sited
<br /> byoWnrprovisionaorthis Contra]
<br /> Fp?116/ "E/fECTs Ic z9ATE " ( .5fE=)
<br /> VIL RESTRICTIONS; EASEMENTS; LEvIlTATIONS; Bnperdmll taketAIC V1bjedto: mnprebahsive handsome plans, mnmg restrictions, prohibitions
<br /> Mid other require nets hipf oscd by governmental authority, man idlers and outlets appearing on the plc or Othcif ise mnmson to the subdivision; public
<br /> utility mormahts of record (eascntmL are to be IomIW contiguomlo Real Property limes and notorere than 10 feet in width as to the rear or Ever lines and
<br /> 21r 2 red in Width aslo the side lines, ander alhendaeemerd heaaM); [axes for year ofeesing and subsegnwd years; rimmed mcalle as and random money
<br /> mortgages, if any, ({(other Mature, see Pai ngraplh XV);provided, tnatthere cents at dosiegno violation of We Removing mrd none oflhemprevenL use of Of.
<br /> Property for
<br /> VOL 007nPANCY: Seller overseas That there are no parties in omhpnngot er lean Seller; but, ifPropertyis hfanded N be failed of oaopiel beyond
<br /> dosing the fad and terms thereof shall be dated herein and fmlmant(s) or rompers diseased purm setto Standard F. Seller Aall deliver owhpancy of
<br /> property at time ofdosingunleas otherwise stated herein. If competency ism he delivered before dosing player aswmes all risk oflossto Property Eon, date of
<br /> owpanry, shall be resyorsihle and liable for nomtehance Rom that date, and shall be deemed to haves(led Propedyin its exbMigmnditiun as oftinw of
<br /> taking omrpaaqunless otherwise dated harem.
<br /> DL I'YPER'RII"IEN OR HANDWRITTEN PROVISIONS: TWef+itfen or handwrinm provisions, riders and addendashall control allpriated provisions
<br /> oNhis Cmhtract in mn0ict with Otero
<br /> %, RIDERS: (Cf�CRlhase riders whidi are appdable AND ere atladhed to lhiaConOad):
<br /> (b) ❑ CONDOAONHIM (B ❑ "ASIS'
<br /> FNdI13AR4 Revised IV95 (C) 1994, Florida Association ofReafiors(R) P.O. ldos725025 Orlando, Florida 32M-5025 All RIphb Reserved Page 1 ofy
<br /> This form is limnaal f r use by1SCi-h1e111ider Pblivhing yu) 54G6353
<br />