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WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1965 <br />The Board of County Commissioners. of Indian River County met at <br />the Courthouse, Vero Beach, Florida, in a Regular meeting held at 8:00 <br />o'clock A. M., Wednesday, February 10, 1965. Present were Robert W. <br />Graves, Chairman; Donald Macdonald, Jerre J. Haffield and Dr. B. Q. <br />Waddell. Absent was D. B. McCullers, Jr., Also present were John <br />Sutherland, County Attorney; Edwin S. Schmucker, County Engineer, Alfred <br />H. Webber and Ruth Elliott, Deputy Clerks. <br />Upon Motion made by Commissioner Macdonald, seconded by Commissioner <br />Hatfield and unanimously carried, the minutes of January 6 and January 21, <br />1965, were approved. <br />Homer C. Fletcher, Tax Assessor, appeared before the Board and <br />stated that through a clerical ommission, no depreciation for functional <br />and architectural obsolescense had been applied in the assessed valuation <br />of certain improvements upon land leased by the Los Angeles Dodgers Base- <br />ball Club because full inspection of the interior of the structures could <br />not be had at that time. He read a letter from.the Comptroller outlining <br />the procedure to follow in making the necessary correction. Motion was <br />made by Commissioner Haffield, seconded by Commissioner Waddell and un- <br />animously carried, that the Tax Assessor is.authorized to correct the 1964 <br />.Tax Roll on the following described property: Parcel #23,. City of Vero <br />Beach Airport, RE 34648, and'Parcel #31, City of Vero Beach Airport, <br />RE 34656, as provided under Section 192.21, Florida Statutes, to correct <br />the clerical error of omission in calculation of architectural and <br />functional obsolescense depreciation resulting from inability to inspect <br />interior of building improvements. <br />Mr. Drennen Whitmire, Representative for Equitable Life Assurance <br />Society of the United States, requested permission to contact the various <br />departments to assemble employee data in order to submit a proposal for <br />hospitalization insurance. Motion was made by Commissioner. Waddell, seconded <br />by Commissioner Macdonald and unanimously carried, that the Board authorize <br />Mr. Drennen Whitmire to make a survey of the hospitalization insurance for <br />its employees and request'the various department heads to cooperate with <br />him in this endeavor. " p�I"(�" <br />F EB 101965 <br />