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The County Engineer reported that he had estimated that between <br />$35,000 to$40,000 would be needed to set up a sanitary land fill <br />program at the South Gifford Road dump. Motion was made by Commissioner <br />Waddell, seconded by Commissioner Macdonald, and unanimously carried, <br />that the Engineer be instructed to investigate the various types of <br />equipment and as soon as he is able,to-write the specifications and <br />advertise for bids. <br />The Board tentatively set the following dates for their regular <br />meetings: April 21, May 5, May 19, June 9, June 23, July 7, July 14, <br />August 4, and August 18, 1965. <br />Motion was made by Commissioner Waddell, seconded by Commissioner <br />Hatfield and unanimously carried, that the following right of way <br />agreements on Citrus Road between Clemmans Avenue and Emerson Avenue <br />be approved: <br />1. James and Betty Wall -100' R/W $150.00 <br />Heath and Smith Attorney Fee 30.00 <br />2. Saverio Ciccone -S 25' of Lots 23 & 24, Bik G, <br />Clamann Estates S/D (114') 171.00 • <br />3. Pasco Casperrino- S. 25'of Lots 1,2,23,24, Blk F, <br />Clemann Estates S/D 300.00 <br />4. Antonetta Pullano - S 25' of Lots 23 & 24, Bik C, <br />and S 25' of Lots 1 & 2, Blk G, Clemann Estates S/D..300.00 <br />5. Agreement to buy 10 small palm trees to replace <br />those on r/w received from gorrest Showalter the <br />approximate cost of which will be $100.00 <br />The County Engineer presented a proposed center -line alignment <br />for Indian River Boulevard and recommended that the City Council <br />make a formal acceptance of this alignment through the city limits, <br />The County Engineer reported that all the street lights in the <br />Agreement with Florida Power and Light Company have been installed, <br />but, because of the great rate difference between the City of Vero <br />Beach, those street lights on City power had not been if:stalled.. <br />A liasion meeting between the County Commissioners and the City. <br />Council, the City Manager and Mr. Frank Phillips, Superintendent of <br />Utilities, was scheduled for Wednesday, April 14, 1965 at 7:30 P.M. <br />County Commissioners room,.to discuss the situation. <br />• BROOK g SAGE 195 <br />APR -71965. <br />