<br /> This instrument wus prePc114ecl incident to 2041182
<br /> the issuance of a title insurance contract, REGORDEG IPJ THE PUBLIC RECORDS
<br /> and is to be returned to : OF INDIAN RIVER COUNTY FL
<br /> BK 2393 PG 969 . Pagel of 3
<br /> 01 1212010 at 0424 PM , D DOCTAX PD
<br /> Jason A . Beal It0 70
<br /> Atlantic Coastal Title Corporation
<br /> 3850 20 "' Street, Suite 6
<br /> Vero Beach , Florida 32960
<br /> ACTC File Number : 29077902
<br /> Parcel ID Number : 31 -39 - 2940000 - 5000 - 00090 . 0 and 31 -39 - 29 - 00000 - 5000 - 00091 . 0
<br /> This deed , made as of this / 7 day of December , 2009 , by Eddie Rue ( as Grantor) ; and Indian
<br /> River County, Florida , a political subdivision of the State of Florida , whose post office address
<br /> is : 1801 27th St, Vero Beach , FL 32960 ( as Grantee ) ;
<br /> I II hererer rr+ ed herein , INCICI ML ",(rum )r " Laid er,., a ucc ° shall na luck sIngwal and plural, heirs. le�al Ieprcventatires.
<br /> and
<br /> as.vigns o/ indiViduals. and the .vucccssors and asci„ns of corporations, parmerehips or other cntitics ; Wherever the context .w
<br /> admits or requires./
<br /> That the grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of S 10 . 00 in hand paid by grantee , the receipt whereof is hereby
<br /> acknowledged , does hereby grant, bargain , sell , alien , remise, release , convey and confirm unto the grantee forever, all
<br /> the right, title , interest, claim and demand which the said grantor has in and to the following described parcel of
<br /> land ,
<br /> to wit :
<br /> All those certain parcels of lands lying and being in Indian River County,
<br /> Florida , to wit :
<br /> Parcel One :
<br /> Being a Part of the Southwest Quarter of Section 29 , Township 31 South , Range
<br /> 39 East, and Being More Particularly Described as Follows : Commencing at the
<br /> Southwest corner of Section 29 , Township 31 South , Range 39 East , thence
<br /> running along the South line of said Section 29 South 89° 31 ' 43 " East, (bearings
<br /> are based on said South line of tl ► e Southwest Quarter of Section 29 and all
<br /> other bearings shown hereon are relative thereto) , a distance of 1184 . 69 feet to
<br /> a point ; thence Nortl ► 00 ° 00 ' 00 " East , a distance of 40 . 00 feet to a point on the
<br /> North right-of- way line of C . R . 510 (Wabasso Road ) ; thence North 89 ° 31 ' 43 "
<br /> West, with said North right - o &Nvay line, a distance of 95 . 00 Feet to the Point of
<br /> Beginning ; thence North 89 ° 31 ' 43 " West, with the North right- o &way line of
<br /> said C . R . 510 , a distance of 50 . 00 feet to a a point ; thence North 00 ° 00 ' 00 "
<br /> A FLIII Service , Florida Title Insurance Agency
<br />