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AGREEMENT FOR REIMBURSEMENT OF COSTS FOR <br /> WEST WABASSO STREET LIGHTING DISTRICT <br /> MUNICIPAL SERVICE BENEFIT UNIT <br /> By this Agreement, the Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County <br /> agrees to reimburse the Indian River County Property Appraiser and the Indian River <br /> County Tax Collector for necessary administrative costs incurred by those Officers in <br /> utilizing the uniform method for the levy, collection , and enforcement of non ad valorem <br /> assessments as provided in Florida Statute 197 . 3632 . <br /> The Board of County Commissioners agrees to reimburse the Property Appraiser <br /> and Tax Collector for necessary administrative costs incurred in implementing <br /> assessments for the West Wabasso Street Lighting District Municipal Service Benefit <br /> Unit, including but not limited to those costs associated with personnel , forms , supplies , <br /> data processing , computer equipment , postage , and programming . <br /> The Property Appraiser and Tax Collector agree annually to carry out their <br /> respective duties in utilizing the uniform method for the levy, collection , and <br /> enforcement of non ad valorem assessments as set out in Florida Statute 197 . 3632 for <br /> the West Wabasso Street Lighting District Municipal Service Benefit Unit . <br /> This Agreement shall be implemented only upon the creation of the <br /> aforementioned municipal service benefit unit by the Board of County Commissioners <br /> by ordinance adopted at a public hearing prior to March 1 , 2007 and conditioned upon <br /> the adoption by the Board of County Commissioners of a resolution clearly stating its <br /> intent to use the uniform method of collecting such assessment which resolution states <br /> the need for the levy and includes a legal description of the boundaries of the real <br /> property subject to the levy . If the resolution is adopted , the local governing board will <br /> 1 <br />