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Boa 9 PACE 244 <br />' Mr. Webber presented a copy of Resolution No. 1719 adopted by <br />the City Council of Vero Beach requesting the Board to call upon the <br />State Road Department to make a feasibility study with regard, to the <br />by-pass of State Road 60, and also urge'`a budgetary set-up for a.'new <br />bridge across the Indian River,. within the. City Limits of Vero Beach, <br />preferably at Causeway Blvd. The Clerk.was requested to notify the <br />City Council that until a proper survey is made determining the <br />feasibility of the projects, the Board.of County Commissioners•will not <br />be in a position to recommend either project. <br />Motion was made by Commissioner Macdonald, seconded by Commissioner <br />McCullers and'unanimously carried that the request of Forrest N. Mc-' <br />• Cullers, County Agent for out -of -county travel on June 2'and June 15 to <br />18 be approved. <br />The Monthly reports of the County Welfare Worker and the Veterans' <br />Service Officer were received and placed on file. <br />Mr. Webber requested permission for the Clerk'to have a Xerox No.• <br />8]3 placed in his office on trial. Motion was made by Commissioner <br />Macdonald, seconded by commissioner McCullersvnd unanimously carried <br />that there were no objections to the request. <br />The'several bills end accounts against the County, having. been <br />audited, were examined end found to be correct, were approved, and, <br />warrants issued in settlement of same as follows: General•Fund, Nos. <br />4125 to. 4204, both inclusive; Road and Bridge Fund, Nos. 2735 to 2793; <br />Fine and Forfeiture Fund, Nos. 410 to 419, both inclusive and Capital <br />Outlay. Fund, NOS 112. to 115,'both inclusive.'Such bills and accounts <br />being on file in the Office of the Clerk of. theCircuit Court,: the <br />warrants so issued from the respective Ends-being,listed in the Sup- <br />plemental Minute Book as provided'by the rules of the State. Auditor, <br />reference to such record and list so recorded, being made a part of <br />these minutes. <br />• <br />Upon Motion made by'Commissioner Waddell, seconded by Commissioner <br />McCullers and unanicously carried., the following Resolution was adopted: <br />JUN -919:65 <br />