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3 . 2 Preparation of Permit Applications <br /> The CONSULTANT will revise the previously prepared documentation and submit the <br /> necessary permit application packages and supporting documentation . The <br /> CONSULTANT will respond to all requests for additional information from permitting <br /> agencies . The CONSULTANT will attempt to expedite the permitting process by working <br /> closely with all permitting agencies . <br /> In addition , the CONSULTANT will work with the agencies to determine the impact of <br /> the recent dredging and vegetation removal activities within the 16th Street Canal . The <br /> proposed mitigation plan may require provisions to address inclusion of the previously <br /> removed vegetation and therefore will require additional wetlands treatment. <br /> Coordination will be required with the County to develop a combined mitigation plan . <br /> 3 . 3 Meeting Assistance <br /> The CONSULTANT will prepare a presentation board of the stormwater project to use <br /> at a single public meeting and at two additional meetings with pertinent City of Vero <br /> Beach and County staff. The CONSULTANT will attend the meetings and prepare the <br /> minutes of the meetings. Meeting minutes will be distributed . <br /> '* END OF ATTACHMENT 1 " <br /> 4 <br /> G :\2240018 Rockridge Design\REDESIGN\Scope & Fee\Work Order #4-RR - August 9, 2007.doc <br />