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i <br /> i <br /> 9. Developer shall include in all subcontracts for ,subcontractors the above <br /> insurance requirement or show them as insured under its policies or shall furnish separate <br /> certificates and endorsements for each subcontractor. All coverages for subcontractors shall be j <br /> subject to all of the requirements slated herein . <br /> I <br /> 10. Developer hereby agrees to indemnify Indian River County and <br /> representatives thereof from all claims arising solely from intentional, reckless or negligent acts, <br /> errors or -omissions of the Developer- or _Developers ' representatives in the performance of ! <br /> services under this Agreement and for which Developer is legally liable. <br /> I. Concurrency : County and Developer acknowledge that amendments to Chapter i <br /> 910, Indian River County Code, provide that whenever a non-proportionate fain share <br /> developer' s:agreement-is executed by an applicant,. and that developer's agreement commits the <br /> applicant to construct major capacity-producing transportation improvements, the applicant's, <br /> project may bevested for transportation concurrency with a seven (7) ,year initial concurrency <br /> certificate if the 13oard of County Corniriissioners finds thw (a) the applicant' s proposed ! <br /> improvements will provide significant bgnefits to the transportation system, and (b) all other <br /> concurrency requirements, including payment of all applicable impact fees and demonstration of <br /> available capacity on all impacted links, are met. (For purposes of tbis paragraph, .such an <br /> agreement shall be called a "Qualified Non-proportionate Fav Share Developer' s Agreement".) <br /> County and Developer agree that this Developer's Agreement will be a Qualified Non- <br /> proportionate Fair Share Developer' s Agreement pursuant to adopted amendments to Chapter <br /> 910. Therefore, recognizing khat the applicarrt'. s proposed.improvemeiits will provide significant <br /> benefits to the transportation system , County agrees that the applicant's project will be vested fbr 1 <br /> transportation concurrency with a seven (7) year initial concurrency certificate upon execution of <br /> this Agreement by the Board of County Commissioners. <br /> ]. Roadway Improvement Project Timing' Developer agrees to diligently prosecute <br /> the design and construction of the Roadway Improvement Project described berein. The <br /> engineering and design functions described. in. Section Cl(b) above will be. completed within <br /> twelve (12) months after 'completiou and approval of the thirty percent (30%) design. At such i <br /> time as all right-of-way acquisitions are completed, all appropriate permits are issued, the <br /> competitive bidding. process is performed, the .Project is awarded to the roadway contractor and <br /> approved by the Public Works Director, construction activities shall commence within. ninety <br /> (90) days thereafter. The Roadway Improvement Project shall be completed within eighteen (18) <br /> months of commencement of work. <br /> I{, Project Performance Security : <br /> I . To secure the performance of Developer and payment of all expenses <br /> associated with the Roadway ImprovementTroject, Developer agrees to establish and maintain a <br /> Performance Security Instrument during the term of the Project. The Performance Security <br /> Instrument shall take the form of a cash deposit or irrevocable letter of credit. If the cash option <br /> is elected, required sums shall be posted with the County as Fserow. Agent. In tine event that an <br /> 6 <br />