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EXHIBIT * 21 <br /> FEESCHEDULE <br /> WORK ORDER NO . <br /> ,Nlethod and Amount of Compensation <br /> Schulkc . Rittle & Stoddard , L. L . C . , proposes to provide the above Scope of Services based on the following lump sum <br /> fees : <br /> Task 1 . Surveving : <br /> Establish state plain coordinate. on Brine Main . $ 1 . 800. 00 <br /> establish a baseline of construction and prepare topo survey Tong <br /> the route ( locate EOP Brine Main and adjacent tore main ) and detailed <br /> locations at the water main directional bore and connection point <br /> ( N . E . comer of 58'1' ave]77'" St . ) <br /> Task 2 Uncover the utility main . The main will be excavated for inspection $ 1 .200 . 00 <br /> at three locations ( potholed and inspected ) <br /> Task 3 A sample of the brine solution will be tested for primary and secondary $2 .250 . 00 <br /> maximum contaminant levels-( drinking water sweep ) <br /> Task 4 Prepare an informal proposal for submittal to the FDEP which will $2 ,000 . 00 <br /> detail the project scope, testing, cleaning. disinfection and construction <br /> procedures proposed to convert and clear the main for potable water use. <br /> "['ask 5 . Vngineering design , preparation of Construction Plans & $8 .000 . 00 <br /> Specifications, preparation and submittal of permit <br /> applications. Preparation of bid documents. <br /> Task b. Assistance during bidding, bid evaluation, contracl award and <br /> Construction Administration (Pre-con, shop review, pay requests. $4 .500 . 00 <br /> minor plan modifications, Periodic Constructiou!Field Inspections. <br /> As- Built review, final documentation for close-out and final certifications. ) <br /> Total S 19.750 . 00 <br /> Printing and Reproduction <br /> The County shall make direct payment to our office for the cost of printing project plan sheets required lbr utility <br /> coordination and for copies of reports, drawings, specifications, and other pertinent items required by federal, state and <br /> local agencies from whom approval of the project must be obtained. material suppliers, and other interested parties. but <br /> may charge only for the actual cost of providing such copies based on the following tabulation : <br /> 8 1 /2 " x 1 I " $ 0. 12/sheet Blue Line Prints $ 0. 3331SF <br /> I 1 " x 17 " $ 0. 50/sheet Reproducible Sepias $ 0. 75/SF <br /> 31 /2" diskette $ 2. 00/each Reproducible Mylars $ 1 . 00/SF <br /> CD $ 4.00/each <br /> Application Fees <br /> The county shall make direct payment to our office for the actual cost of all construction permit application fees paid to <br /> jurisdictional agencies, including but not limited to : <br /> F. D . F . P . . I . R . C - Engineering ( Right-of-Way), I . R. F . W . C . D . . S . J . R . W . M . D . - F. D. O .T . <br /> 2 Attachment 4 <br />