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'y• <br />BOOK 9 hen <br />WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1965 <br />The Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County met <br />in regular session on Wednesday, November 24, 1965, at 83O o'clock <br />A. M., at the Courthouse, Vero Beach, Florida. Present were Robert <br />W. Graves, Chairman, D. B. McCullers, Vice -Chairman, Dr. B. Q. Waddell, <br />and Jerre J. Haffield. Absent was Donald Macdonald. Also present <br />were John H. Sutherland, County Attorney, Edwin -S. Schmucker, County <br />Engineer, and Alfred H. Webber and Ruth Elliott, Deputy Clerk. <br />• • VERO teEACH PRESS -JOURNAL <br />Published Weekly <br />Vero Beach, Indian River County, Florida <br />COUNTY OF INDIAN RIVER: <br />STATE OF FLORIDA <br />Before the undersigned authority personally appeared J..1. Schumann, who on oath <br />says that he Is Business Manager of the Vero Beach Press -Journal, a weekly newspaper <br />published at Vero Beach In Indian River Courcy, Florida; that the attached copy of advertise- <br />'Int, <br />dvertise-m nt, being a -h.k./St14:Rw. <br />In the matter of Ala" • �Q t���,•• <br />In the Court, was pt b• <br />fished in said newspaper In the issues of <br />r � , 11, 19 L �•+. <br />Affiant further says that the said Vero Beach Press Journal is a newspaper published at <br />Vera Beach, in said Indian River County. andthat the said newspaper has heretofore• <br />be n continuously published in sald'Indian River County, Florida, weekly and has boon entered <br />as second class mail matter at the post office in Vero Beach, in said Indian River County, .Florida <br />for a period of ,one ofeaF next, preceeding. the first publication of the attached copy of adver- <br />tlsement;and affiant .farther lays thitt he has neither paid nor promised any person. flan or <br />corporation any' discount, lebate,'eommission'or refund for the purpose of securing this adver- <br />, tiseeiierft.foF t tiblication fpp, ha luta. uecw[paper, <br />• <br />.fSweint9'and subscribed beforene-thi'� <br />i, 4 'i' <br />:c , • <br />oa i <br />' s c lark. of•the Chet: Court,ndiaCounty, Florida) <br />',►�'4,.. '�n ;Liver e <br />y., • , ♦ -s ..'. w... • <br />" <br />NOTICE • • <br />Sealed bids will be received to the <br />hour of 8:30 o'clock A. ht. on No- <br />vember 24, 1063, and at said time <br />publicly opened in the meeting room <br />of the Board of. County Commi. <br />stoners of Indian River County; <br />Florida, Indian River County Court- <br />house, Vero Beach, Florida, for Abe <br />lease. with option to purchase. to <br />the Tax Assessor of Indian River <br />County, Florida. of one (1) elec.- <br />trenie data processing machine <br />suitable for the computing and ex- <br />tending of county tax roll*, subject <br />to the following minimumapeeifl- <br />cations: <br />I. The console shall have a carri- <br />age not less than Ni inches long. • <br />a split platen at least 10 inches oa <br />the left side and at least 11 inches <br />en The right aide and shall ahow a <br />visible line of writing. . <br />2. Electric typewriter shad have <br />conventional lasket of type *and the <br />ability *6 type the full length of <br />the carriage. <br />3. The. amount keyboard shall <br />have capacity of 14 banks of keys <br />and shall be standard with true <br />fixed decimal punctuation. <br />4. Console shalt have not less <br />than 120 memories of 14 digits each <br />.and' console keyboard shall. have <br />abdity'to select by key each of the <br />memories and to print the symbol <br />of the memory selected. <br />•3. Console shall have a single - <br />key error correction key and shall <br />print an identifying symbol for an <br />`audit trail. <br />6. Each memory shall have abiL <br />:Ity to print true credit balances. <br />T. Console shall be wired for <br />,paper tape input and output and <br />punched card Input and output. <br />.ln acidifioa. each bidder must <br />'agree to programandreprogram <br />'tbe machine, at rib goat to the <br />.lessor or purchaser. for as long as <br />the leased . or purchased machine <br />'continues to bS used by the lessor Lr- purchaser. <br />'The 'right is reserved to reject <br />ny and all bids and to waive in- <br />ormalities. All bids should be <br />La <br />marked on the outside of the <br />nvslopa "8td for Electr*c Data <br />?recessing ssing Machin." <br />This 2nd day of November, 1865. <br />HOMER C. FLETCHER <br />Tax -Assessor <br />Indian River County, Florida, <br />Nov. 4, 11, 1983. <br />The reading of the foregoing Notice was waived'and Homer C. <br />Fletcher,Tax:Assessor, :.opened . bids as follows: <br />Burroughs Corp $19,360.¢0 <br />19,700.00 <br />National Cash RJagister Corp <br />NOV 2 41965 <br />