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4. PREPARATION OF BIDS <br /> Bids shall be submitted in triplicate on the prescribed form provided in these specifications . All <br /> copies must be plainly marked by the bidder who will be responsible for their correctness . All <br /> 1 blank spaces must be filled in as noted in ink or type . Bids having erasures or corrections must be <br /> initialed in ink by the bidder. <br /> Only one bid from any individual firm, corporation, organization or agency under the same or <br /> different name shall be considered . Should it appear to the OWNER that any bidder is interested <br /> in more than one bid, all bids in which such bidder has interest would be rejected . <br /> IIf SUBCONTRACTORS are allowed, bids shall be accompanied by a list of all <br /> SUBCONTRACTORS that the bidder proposes to employ, subcontractor shall not be changed <br /> without approval of the OWNER. <br /> Any deviation from these specifications must be explained in detail . Otherwise, it will be <br /> considered that labor, materials and equipment bid is in strict compliance with these <br /> specifications and the successful bidder will be held responsible for meeting those specifications . <br /> Any exceptions or clarifications to any section of the specifications shall be clearly indicated on a <br /> separate sheet(s) attached to the bid form and shall specifically refer to the applicable <br /> specification paragraph and page . <br /> A bidder is expected to fully inform himself as to the requirements of the specifications and <br /> failure to do so will be at his own risk . A bidder shall not expect to secure relief on the plea of <br /> error. <br /> No alternate bids shall be submitted unless specifically requested in the Invitation to Bid <br /> documents . <br /> 5 . QUALIFICATIONS OF BIDDERS <br /> The County reserves the right to make such investigations as it may deem necessary to establish <br /> the competency and financial ability of any bidder to perform the work. Interested vendors are <br /> to provide proof of a current Indian River County Competency card with his/her bid. <br /> If, after the investigation, the evidence of competency and financial ability is not satisfactory, the <br /> County reserves the right to reject the bid . <br /> 6. RECEIPT AND OPENING OF BIDS <br /> All bids must be submitted in a sealed envelope, addressed and mailed or delivered as stated in <br /> the Invitation to Bid. Any bidder may withdraw his bid either personally or by telegraphic or <br /> written communication at any time prior to the scheduled closing time for the bid . <br /> The bidder shall submit his bid on the form furnished along with all information indicated on the <br /> form . Bids shall be in the units specified for each item . The bidder shall enter the company name <br /> wherever the bid form so indicates . <br /> ' Bids shall be opened and publicly read at the time and place indicated in the Invitation to Bid . <br /> Page 5 of 52 <br />