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V/ <br /> Page 1 of 3 <br /> Grant No . FL29C209002 <br /> Official Contact Person Joyce Johnston -Carlson <br /> Telephone & FAX No . 772 -567-8000 x 422 / 772 -978- 1798 <br /> Email Address jcarison@ircgov . com <br /> Tax ID No . 59-6000674 <br /> Project Location 184025 th Street , Vero Beach , FL 32960 <br /> 2002 SHELTER PLUS CARE AGREEMENT - New Projects <br /> This Agreement is made by and between the United States Department of <br /> Housing and Urban Development ( HUD ) and Indian River County Commission (the <br /> " Recipient" ) . <br /> This Agreement will be governed by Subtitle F of Title IV of the McKinney-Vento <br /> Homeless Assistance Act 42 U . S . C . 11301 et seq . (the Act) ; the HUD Shelter Plus Care <br /> Program final rule codified at 24 CFR 582 (the " Rule" ) , and the Notice of Fund <br /> Availability ( NOFA ) , published on March 26 , 2002 at 67 FR 13826 . The terms " Grant" <br /> or "Grant Funds " mean the funds for rental assistance that , except for funds for Section <br /> 8 moderate rehabilitation for single room occupancy dwellings for homeless individuals <br /> (" SRO " ) , are provided under this Agreement . The term "Application " means the <br /> application submissions on the basis of which the Grant was approved by HUD , <br /> including the certifications , assurances , and any information or documentation required <br /> to meet any grant award conditions . The Application is incorporated herein as part of <br /> this Agreement ; however, in the event of any conflict between the Application and any <br /> provision contained herein , this Shelter Plus Care Agreement shall control . <br /> The following are attached hereto and made a part hereof: <br /> X Exhibit 1 - The Shelter Plus Care Program Rule <br /> X Exhibit 2 - for Tenant- based Rental Assistance <br /> Exhibit 3 - for Project- based Rental Assistance <br /> Exhibit 4 - for Sponsor- based Rental Assistance <br /> HUD notifications to the Recipient shall be to the address of the Recipient as <br /> stated in the Application , unless HUD is otherwise advised in writing . Recipient <br /> notifications to HUD shall be to the HUD Field Office executing the Agreement . <br />