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Department of Housing and Urban Developement (HUD)
McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act
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rental assistance if they move. Rental subsidies are provided to section , except that the housing may not be currently receiving <br /> the owner for a period of either five or ten years . To qualify Federal funding for rental assistance or operating costs under <br /> for ten years of rental subsidies, the owner must complete at other HUD programs. Recipients may design a housing program <br /> least $3 ,000 of eligible rehabilitation for each unit (including that includes a range of housing types with differing levels of <br /> the unit's prorated share of work to be accomplished on supportive services. Rental assistance may include security <br /> common areas or systems), to make the structure decent, safe deposits on units in an amount up to one month's rent. <br /> and sanitary. This rehabilitation must be completed with in 12 (b) Amount of the grant. The amount of the grant is based on the <br /> months of the grant award . number and size of units proposed by the applicant to be assisted <br /> (c) Sponsor-based rental assistance (SRA). Sponsor-based over the grant period . The grant amount is calculated by <br /> rental assistance provides grants for rental assistance through multiplying the number of units proposed times the applicable <br /> contracts between the grant recipient and sponsor Fair Market Rent (FMR) of each unit times the term of the grant. <br /> organizations. A sponsor may be a private, nonprofit (c) Payment ofgrant. (1 ) The grant amount will be reserved for <br /> organization or a community mental health agency established rental assistance over the grant period . An applicant's grant <br /> as a public nonprofit organization. Participants reside in request is an estimate of the amount needed for rental assistance. <br /> housing owned or leased by the sponsor. The term of the grant Recipients will make draws from the reserved amount to pay the <br /> between HUD and the grant recipient for SRA is five years. actual costs of rental assistance for program participants . For <br /> (d) Moderate rehabilitation for single room occupancy TRA, on demonstration of need, up to 25 percent of the total <br /> dwellings (SRO). ( 1 ) The SRO component provides grants for rental assistance awarded may be spent in any one of the five <br /> rental assistance in connection with the moderate years, or a higher percentage if approved by HUD, where the <br /> rehabilitation of single room occupancy housing units . applicant provides evidence satisfactory to HUD that it is <br /> Resources to initially fund the cost of rehabilitating the financially committed to providing the housing assistance <br /> dwellings must be obtained from other sources . However, the described in the application for the full five-year period . <br /> rental assistance covers operating expenses of the rehabilitated (2) A recipient must serve at least as many participants as <br /> SRO units occupied by homeless persons, including debt shown in its application . Where the grant amount reserved for <br /> service to retire the cost of the moderate rehabilitation over a rental assistance over the grant period exceeds the amount that <br /> ten-year period . will be needed to pay the actual costs of rental assistance, due to <br /> (2) SRO housing must be in need of moderate rehabilitation such factor as contract rents being lower than FMRs and <br /> and must meet the requirements of 24 CFR 882 . 803 (a). Costs participants are being able to pay a portion of the rent, recipients <br /> associated with rehabilitation of common areas may be may use the remaining funds for the costs of administering the <br /> included in the calculation of the cost for assisted units based housing assistance, as described in paragraph (e) of this section , <br /> on the proportion of the number of units to be assisted under for damage to property, as described in paragraph (f) of this <br /> this part to the total number of units . section, for covering the costs of rent increases, or for serving a <br /> (3 ) SRO assistance may also be used for efficiency units great number of participants . <br /> selected for rehabilitation under this program, but the gross (d) vacancies. ( 1 ) If a unit assisted under this part is vacated <br /> rent (contract rent plus any utility allowance) for those units before the expiration of the occupancy agreement described in <br /> will be no higher than for SRO units (i .e. , 75 percent of the 0- § 582 .315 of this part, the assistance for the unit may continue for <br /> bedroom Moderate Rehabilitation Fair Market Rent). a maximum of 30 days from the end of the month in which the <br /> (4) The requirements regarding maintenance, operation , and unit was vacated, unless occupied by another eligible person . No <br /> inspections described in 24 CFR 882 . 806(b)(4) and 882 .808(n) additional assistance will be paid until the unit is occupied by <br /> must be met. another eligible person . <br /> (5) Governing regulations . Except where there is a conflict (2) As used in this paragraph (d), the term "vacate" does not <br /> with any requirement under this part or where specifically include brief periods of inpatient care, not to exceed 90 days for <br /> provided, the SRO component will be governed by the each occurrence. <br /> regulations set forth in 24 CFR part 882, subpart H. <br /> (e) Administrative costs. ( 1 ) Up to eight percent of the grant (3) The value of time and services contributed by volunteers at <br /> amount may be used to pay the costs of administering the the rate of $ 10 .00 an hour, except for donated professional <br /> housing assistance. Recipients may contract with another services which may be counted at the customary charge for the <br /> entity approved by HUD to administer the housing assistance. service provided (professional services are services ordinarily <br /> (2) Eligible administrative activities include processing rental performed by donors for payment, such as the services of health <br /> payments to landlords, examining participant income and professionals, that are equivalent to the services they provide in <br />
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