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WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9, 1966 <br />The Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County met in <br />Regular Session at the Courthouse, Vero Beach, Florida, on Wednesday, <br />March 9, 1966, at 8:30 o'clock A. M. All members were present. Also <br />present were County Attorney John H. Sutherland, County Engineer Edwin <br />S. Schmucker, and Alfred H. Webber and Ruth Elliott, Deputy Clerks. <br />The Chairman, Robert W. Graves, asked if there were any corrections <br />or additions to the minutes of February 9 and February 23, 1966. There <br />were none and on Motion by Commissioner Macdonald. seconded by Commissioner <br />McCullers and unanimously carried, the minutes were approved as written. <br />Mrs. Anne Smith, County Welfare Clerk, requested county aid for <br />C. J. Jones,of Gifford, a former T. B. patient, in the amount of $50 <br />per month. On Motion by Commissioner McCullers, seconded by Commissioner <br />Waddell, and carried, the request was granted. <br />Mrs. Smith reported that Indian River Nursing Home has increased <br />their rates for county patients to $250.00 per month. <br />On Motion by Commissioner McCullers, seconded by Commissioner <br />4 <br />Haffield, and unanimously carried, Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Vigliano, Case <br />Worker, were authorized to attend the State Association of County <br />Commissioners Convention in West Palm Beach on March 27 and 28, 1966. <br />Mr. Charles Buckner of Buckner Survey, Eau Gallie, Florida, <br />requested that he be allowed to put the recorded plats of Indian River <br />County on microfilm to be used by his firm in making surveys in Indian <br />River County. This would be done at the convenience of the Clerk's <br />office who would be reimbursed for any expenses that might be incurred. <br />He further stated that he would furnish the county a duplicate copy <br />of the film for the actual cost of the film. Motion was made by <br />Commissioner Macdonald, seconded by Commissioner Waddell, and unanimously <br />carried that the request be granted and that payment of approximately <br />$30.00, representing the cost of the film for the duplicate copy, be <br />authorized. <br />.'1.,. <br />111 <br />BOO 9 PAGE5IQ <br />