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Smith & Company, Inc.
Change Order No. 2/Kings Highway, Phase II
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INDIAN RIVER COUNTY , FLORIDA 0 <br /> CHANGE ORDER NO . 2 <br /> 0 . 08' <br /> PROJECT NO . : 8823B PROJECT : KINGS HIGHWAY , PHASE II <br /> CONTRACTOR : SMITH & COMPANY, INC . , DATE ISSUED : <br /> 2400 SE FEDERAL HIGHWAY <br /> STUART , FI . 34994 <br /> ITEM DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE QTY I UNIT JUNIT PRIC PRICE I PRICE <br /> NO , INCREASE DECREASE <br /> 1 102 -74- 1 Barricade , Type II 807000 Each $0 . 26 $20 , 800 . 00 <br /> 2 102-74-2 Barricade Type IV -50 , 000 Each $0 . 50 -$25 , 000 . 00 <br /> 3 104- 10- 1 Bailed Hay - 18 , 735 Each $6 . 80 -$ 127 , 398 . 00 <br /> 4 104- 12 Staked Turbidity Barrier - 1817 LF $2 . 65 -$49815 . 05 <br /> 5 104- 13- 1 Silt Fence -45309 . 00 LF $0 . 94 -$42 , 590 . 46 <br /> 6 110-4- Removal Exist Pavement 2721 . 00 SY $ 1 . 68 $41571 . 8 <br /> 7 120- 1 Reg Excay . -5347 . 00 Cy $ 1 . 99 -$ 101640 . 53 <br /> 8 120-6- 1 Embankment -7347 .43 Cy $5 . 25 -$38 , 574 . 01 <br /> 9 120-6-2 Select - 18308 . 85 Cy $3 . 95 -$72 , 319 . 96 <br /> 10 145-71 - 1 Geogrid 141 . 00 SY $2 .42 $341 .22 <br /> 11 145-74-4 Geosynthetic Reinf. Soil Slopt 10800 . 00 SY $ 1 .42 $ 159336 . 00 <br /> 12 160-4 Type B Stabilization -25410 .28 SY $ 1 . 89 -$487025 .43 <br /> 13 285-707 Base Group 7 42249 . 56 SY $5 . 15 $217 , 585 . 23 <br /> 14 14" Coquina 8th Street 3727 . 00 SY $9 . 01 $33 , 580 . 27 <br /> 15 286- 1 - 1 Asphalt Turnout 500 . 00 SY $ 11 . 50 $57750 . 00 <br /> 16 286- 1 -2 Conc . Turnout 1774 . 00 SY $20 . 34 $36 , 083 . 16 <br /> 17 331 -72-30 3" Type S 267 . 00 SY $6 . 30 $ 1 , 682 . 10 <br /> 18 339- 1 Misc Asphalt 14 . 80 TN $60 . 50 $895 .40 <br /> 19 425- 1 -351 P-5 < 10 - 1 . 00 Each $27371 . 82 -$27371 . 82 <br /> 20 425- 1 -361 P-6 < 10 2 . 00 Each $27571 . 76 $59143 . 52 <br /> 21 425- 1 -521 Type C < 10 3 . 00 Each $ 19534 . 37 $49603 . 11 <br /> 22 430- 11 -325 18" RCP SS 91 . 00 LF $33 . 72 $3 , 068 . 52 <br /> 23 430- 11 -329 24" RCP SS 51 . 00 LF $35 . 39 $ 1 , 804 . 89 <br /> 24 430- 11 -338 36" RCP SS 4 . 00 LF $ 54 . 78 $219 . 12 <br /> 25 430- 11 -340 42" RCP SS -5 . 00 LF $64 . 05 -$320 . 25 <br /> 26 430- 12-325 18" RCP CD 225 . 00 LF $42 . 94 $9 , 661 . 50 <br /> 27 430- 14-325 18" RCP SD 36 . 00 LF $33 . 71 $ 1 , 213 . 56 <br /> 28 430-81 -025 18" CAP SS 20 . 00 LF $32 . 51 $650 . 20 <br /> 29 430-82-025 18" CAP CD 25 . 00 LF $32 . 71 $817 . 75 <br /> 30 430-82-029 24"CAP CD 20 . 00 LF $35 . 72 $714 . 40 <br /> 31 430-84-040 42" CAP SD -94 . 00 LF $49 . 68 -$4 , 669 . 92 <br /> 32 430- 142 - 103 19" x 30" ECP CD - 103 . 00 LF $44 . 99 -$4 , 633 . 97 <br /> 33 430-982 -225 18" RCP MES CD 1 . 00 Each $997 . 77 $997 . 77 <br /> 34 430-984-225 18" MES , RCP , SD -2 . 00 Each $997 . 77 -$ 19995 . 54 <br /> 35 520- 1 -8 Type F curb -33 . 00 LF $5 . 32 -$ 175 . 56 <br /> 36 522 - 1 4" Sidewalk - 141 . 00 SY $ 12 . 49 -$ 11761 . 09 <br /> 37 522-2 6" Sidewalk 18 . 60 SY $ 18 . 10 $336 . 66 <br /> 38 536- 1 - 1 Guardrail 711 . 00 LF $ 13 . 10 $9 , 314 . 10 <br /> 39 536-6 End Ancharge Type II 3 Each $474 . 00 $ 17422 . 00 <br /> F :\PUBLIC WORKS\CAPITAL PROJECTS\KINGS HIGHWAY PHASE 2\CHANGE ORDER STATUS\Change Order 2 3/27/2003 <br />
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