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State , or local laws or regulations , nor does it relieve the County from any liability for harm or <br /> injury to human health or welfare, animal or plant life , or property caused by the construction or <br /> operation of this project, or from penalties , nor does it allow the County to cause pollution <br />in <br /> contravention of Florida Statutes and Department rules . <br /> 11 . Within 30 days of the effective date of this Agreement, Indian River County shall <br /> pay the Department $2, 500 .00 for costs and expenses incurred by the Department to prepare and <br /> process this Agreement. Payment shall be made by cashier' s check or money order. The instrument <br /> shall be made payable to the "Department of Environmental Protection" and shall include thereon <br /> the OGC number assigned to this Agreement and the notation "Ecosystem Management and <br /> Restoration Trust Fund" . <br /> 12 . In the event that there occur any changes in the statutory or regulatory requirements <br /> upon which this Agreement is predicated which affect the rights or duties of the parties , including <br /> but , not limited to , any changes resulting from any judicial decision or administrative final <br /> Agreement interpreting such statutory or regulatory requirements , then the Department and Indian <br /> River County agree that the terms of this Agreement may be adjusted and modified accordingly <br /> upon agreement of the parties . In the event the parties cannot agree upon appropriate modifications <br /> within 30 days of written notice by either party of the request for modification pursuant to this <br /> paragraph , either party may avail itself of the provisions contained in Paragraph 14 of the <br /> Agreement to seek such modification . <br /> 13 . (a) Indian River County shall publish the following notice in a newspaper of daily <br /> circulation in Indian River County, Florida. The notice shall be published one time only within <br /> fourteen ( 14) days after the effective date of the Agreement. <br /> STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION <br /> NOTICE OF AGREED AUTHORIZATION FOR REMEDIATION <br /> The Department of Environmental Protection gives notice of agency action of entering into <br /> an Agreed Authorization for Remediation with Indian River County. The Agreement addresses <br /> remedial action for soil contamination located at the Indian River South Gifford Road Landfill , <br /> 4701 41S` Street, Vero Beach , Indian River County, Florida. The Agreement authorizes operation of <br /> a temporary unit and staging piles (treatment cells) and grants a variance for disposal of certain <br /> treated soil that meets industrial/commercial cleanup target levels . The Agreement is available for <br /> public inspection during normal business hours , 8 : 00 a. m. to 5 : 00 p .m. , Monday through Friday , <br /> except legal holidays , at the Department of Environmental Protection , Central District, 3319 <br /> Maguire Boulevard, Suite 232 , Orlando , Florida 32803 . In addition , the Agreement is available for <br /> public inspection during normal business hours , 8 : 30 a.m. to 5 : 00 p .m. , Monday through Friday , <br /> except legal holidays , at the Office of the Clerk to the Board, 1840 25`h Street, Vero Beach , Florida <br /> 32960 , and at the Solid Waste Disposal District, 1325 74`h Avenue, S .W . , Vero Beach , Florida <br /> Page 6 <br />