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Lifeskills Training Program Substance Abuse Council of Indian River County Children Services Advisory Committee <br /> D. MEASURABLE OUTCOMES (Entire Section D not to exceed two pages) <br /> OUTCOMES ACT1VfHES <br /> Add all of the elements or the Measurable Outcome(s) Add the tasks to accomplish the Outcome(s) <br /> 1 . To decrease by 5% the "first use" numbers of 1 . To provide 3,900 youth weeld r LST group sessions <br /> drug and alcohol use among middle school to youth according to the following schedule: <br /> 7"'2 a grade) students over a period of one year . 17 sessions in the 6`h grade <br /> as reported by the 2005 PRIDE survey. . 10 sessions in the 7`h <br /> (Baseline 2003 PRIDE Survey) . 5 sessions in the 8grades. <br /> 2 . To provide a total of seven-tee ( 17) weekly ongoing <br /> 2 . To reduce by 2% the incidences of sixth gradc education sessions to sixth grade dents on the various <br /> adolescents reporting the use of tobacco, alcohol substance abuse and resiliency skills building topics <br /> and marijuana following the first year of LST <br /> Program as reported by the 2005 PRIDE <br /> Survey (Baseline 2003 PRIDE Survey) <br /> 3 . To reduce by 2% the incidences of seventh 3 . We will provide a total of ten ( 1 ) weekly ongoing <br /> grade adolescents reporting the use of tobacco, booster education sessions to sevei ith grade students on <br /> alcohol, and marijuana following the second the various substance abuse and re iliency skills building <br /> year of LST program as reported by the 2005 topics <br /> PRIDE Survey (Baseline 2003 PRIDE Survey) <br /> 4. To reduce by I % the incidences of eight 4. We will provide a total of five ( ) weekly ongoing <br /> grade adolescents reporting the use of booster education sessions to seventh grade students on <br /> tobacco, alcohol, and marijuana following the various substance abuse and resiliency skills building <br /> the third year of LST program as reported topics <br /> by the 2005 PRIDE Survey (Baseline 2003 , <br /> PRIDE Survey) <br /> 5 . To increase audience knowledge by 25% 5 . Provide factual, current and u to-date information <br /> following educational presentation forums concerning drugs and their harmfu effects . <br /> concerning drugs and their harmful effects . pre/ post testing will be conducted and rated to <br /> as reported by self-disclosure on pre-testing. indicate a change in knowledge. <br /> (Baseline : Individual and group <br /> administered Pre-tests of forum <br /> participants. ) <br />