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Substance Abuse Council of Indian River County PREVENT! Children Service's Advisory Committee <br /> CO PROGRAM DESCRIPTION (Entire Section C. I — 6, not to exceed two es) <br /> 1 . List Priority Needs area addressed. Mental Wellness Issues <br /> 2. Briefly describe program activities including location of services. <br /> PREVENT ! combines outreach and group support to reach economically disadvantaged youth. These <br /> youth are ages 13 - 18 ; <br /> ✓ who have repeated failure in school and/or little commitment to school <br /> ✓ do not have a supportive environment and <br /> - ✓ whose lack of decision making skills may lead them to abuse tobacco, alcohol and other <br /> drugs. <br /> The Substance Abuse Council, a not-for-profit substance abuse prevention agency, proposes to continue <br /> this project through a comprehensive range of substance abuse and educational activities for males <br /> and females with substance abuse issues. Daily program services are provided by a full time <br /> program coordinator and a licensed mental health counselor. <br /> Two different components will constitute the PREVENT! program. The components are as follows : <br /> • Crisis Intervention and Counseling <br /> • Deep Impact-TARGET Troupe participation <br /> The first component of the PREVENT program will be comprised of Crisis Intervention/ Counseling. <br /> ✓ A total of 75 individuals will receive Crisis Intervention or counseling services. The program will <br /> be cyclical in nature, servicing approximately 15 individuals per cycle. Each treatment and <br /> education cycle will last for ten ( 10) weeks. <br /> ✓ A total of 25 families will be provided with comprehensive assessments. Evaluation of <br /> adolescents identified via psycho-socials comprehensive evaluations will be conducted <br /> Adolescents selected from this population will also be assigned to the Crisis Intervention and <br /> Counseling component. <br /> ✓ On-going, frequent drug screening will be conducted to provide IRC juveniles and families with <br /> objective and accurate drug testing. An accurate testing program is the most objective and <br /> efficient way to establish a framework for accountability and to gauge each participant's progress. <br /> Modern technology offers highly reliable testing to determine if an individual has recently used <br /> specific drugs <br /> Substance abuse counseling and education will consist of a group therapy session a week, and one <br /> aftercare session weekly focused on relapse prevention. There will also be family workshops <br /> conducted at SAC for family members during the treatment cycle. Once the ten week cycle is completed, <br /> Aftercare will be conducted weekly. The Aftercare component is structured to focus on relapse prevention <br /> and life skills development. . <br /> Behavioral Therapy for adolescents incorporates the principle that unwanted behavior can be changed by <br /> clear demonstration of the desired behavior and consistent reward of incremental steps towards achieving <br /> it. Therapeutic activities include fulfilling specific assignments, rehearsing desired behaviors, and <br /> recording and reviewing progress, with praise and privileges given for meeting assigned goals. Urine <br /> samples are collected regularly to monitor drug use. The program aims to equip the individual to gain <br /> three types of control: <br /> ✓ Stimulus Control- helps individual avoid situations associated with drug use and learn to <br /> spend more time in activities incompatible with drug use <br /> ✓ Urge Control- helps individual recognize and change thoughts, feelings, and plans that lead to <br /> drug use. <br /> ✓ Social Control- involves family members and other people important in helping individuals <br /> avoid drugs. A parent or significant other attends program sessions when possible and assists <br /> with assignments and reinforcing desired behavior. <br /> According to research studies, these type of services help adolescents become drug free and increase their <br /> ability to remain drug free after the program ends. Adolescents also show improvement in several other <br />