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EXHIBIT A <br /> aFECFLORIDA EAST COAST RAILWAY COMPANY <br /> ONE MALAGA STREET, P .O. DRAWER 1048 , ST. AUGUSTINE, FLA. 32085 <br /> OFFICE OF THE GENERAL MANAGER, SIGNAL AND COMMMCATIONS <br /> Specifications for the Installation of Traffic Signal Synchronization <br /> Along Florida East Coast Railway right of way . <br /> 5) The Railroad will provide and maintain one or two sets of normally closed dry contacts as required by <br /> approved circuit design. They will also provide and maintain the cable and conduit between the pull box <br /> and the grade crossing instrument case. <br /> 6) Any deviation or modifications to these specifications must be approved, in advance, by the Vice <br /> President, Engineering and the Chief Engineer, Signal and Communications . <br /> Updated : 5/14/03 - 2 - SyncSpec rvl . doc <br />