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ARTICLE 25 <br /> SEPARATIONS <br /> 25 . 1 The effective date of separation shall be the las day on which the employee is <br /> present for duty unless otherwise specified herein,,. <br /> 25 . 2 Resignation is defined as an action whereby an employee voluntarily leaves <br /> County employment . An employee wishing to leave the County in good standing <br /> shall file with the County a written resignation , sating the date and reasons for <br /> leaving . Such notice must be given at least two weeks prior to the date of <br /> separation . Failure to comply with this courtesy 'Tay be cause for denying such <br /> employee re-employment with the County . Employees who are absent from <br /> work for three consecutive work days without being excused or giving proper <br /> notice of their absence will be considered as having voluntarily quit . <br /> 25 . 3 Retirement is defined as a voluntary or involuntary procedure whereby an <br /> employee separates from County employment for reasons of length of service or <br /> disability . Retirement regulations and benefits shall conform with the provisions <br /> of the Florida Retirement System . <br /> 25A Termination shall be effective as of the date cjf death . All compensation and <br /> benefits due to the employee as of the effective (date of separation shall be paid <br /> to the beneficiary , surviving spouse , or the estate of the employee , as <br /> determined by law or by executed forms in the en iployee' s personnel file . <br /> 25 . 5 If a layoff does occur all temporary employees and newly hired probationary <br /> employees within affected divisions will be terminated first . The only exception <br /> would be if the temporary or newly hired probe nary employee has a particular <br /> skill required to perform certain duties and no o e else employed by the County <br /> is qualified . Permanent employees are to be I id off based on their length of <br /> service , provided that the employees who are etained have the demonstrated <br /> ability and fitness to perform the available work , ! Laid -off permanent employees <br /> shall be placed in open positions for which they afire qualified . <br /> 25 . 6 If an employee is laid off, the employee will be compensated for his sick and <br /> vacation as if he were voluntarily quitting . Employees eligible for sick leave <br /> payment per Article 29 . 7 shall have the optioi of leaving the sick leave on <br /> account for up to one year. A laid -off employeehall be eligible for conversion of <br /> employee health care benefits at the employees expense . Laid -off employees <br /> remain eligible for recall into positions previously held with the County or for <br /> which they are qualified for a period of three years from the layoff date , provided <br /> that any employee so recalled shall be subject to passing a typical pre- <br /> employment screening at the discretion of the County . No continuous service <br /> benefits of any kind shall accrue during the layof period . <br /> 31 <br />