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l <br /> ARTICLE 28 <br /> LEAVES OF ABSENCE <br /> 28 . 1 Jury Duty <br /> Employees subpoenaed for jury duty shall receive regular pay for the hours <br /> missed from work . Such time shall be cons dered as time worked for the <br /> purpose of calculating overtime . Employees ar expected to submit a copy of <br /> their subpoena which shall become a part of the personnel file and turn in their <br /> jury duty pay stub and a personal check for the amount of the jury duty pay , <br /> excluding mileage pay . The check should be made payable to the " IRC Board of <br /> County Commissioners" and sent to the H man Resources Department . <br /> Employees are expected to stay in touch with t eir supervisors relative to their <br /> court duty and County work schedules to minimi a interference with their jobs . If <br /> there are three or more hours of the work day prior to reporting for or being <br /> released from jury duty, the employee will be expected to be at work . <br /> 28 . 2 Witness Duty <br /> Employees attending court during their normal ( working hours as a witness on <br /> behalf of a public jurisdiction or as a result of their public employment shall <br /> receive regular pay . Employees subpoenaed as witnesses (other than as above) <br /> during a criminal or civil trial will not be paid but may charge vacation . <br /> Employees who are plaintiffs or defendants in personal litigation not related to <br /> their public employment are not eligible for regular pay . Vacation time may be <br /> used . <br /> 28 . 3 Military Leave <br /> An employee may request military leave to sere on active duty in an emergency <br /> or required annual duty , and shall be compensated in accordance with state law , <br /> and it shall be considered time worked . <br /> 28A Family Medical Leave Act <br /> The FMLA establishes the rights of eligible employees to a leave of absence for <br /> up to 12 weeks . Eligibility for FMLA leave shall a determined on a rolling twelve <br /> ( 12 ) month period commencing from the first day FMLA was used for birth , <br /> adoption , the care of a family member' s s rious health condition , or the <br /> employee 's own serious health condition . It also provides for the continuation of <br /> health insurance benefits while on leave and the return of the employee to the <br /> same or an equivalent position at the end of the leave . <br /> 35 <br />