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WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1966 <br />The Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County re- <br />convened as a Board of Equalization at 7:00 o'clock P. M., on Wednesday, <br />Novemberc16, 1966. Present were Homer C. Fletcher Tax Assessor and his <br />Attorney, B. T. Cooksey; Chairman Robert W. Graves, and Commissioners <br />Jerre J. Haffield, Donald Macdonald,.D. B. McCullers, and Dr. B. Q. Waddell; <br />County Attorney John H. Sutherland, County Administrator, Jack Jennings, <br />.and Alfred H. Webber and Ruth'Elliott, Deputy Clerks. <br />There was no one present who wished to be heard, and Commissioner <br />Waddell moved that the Board of Equalization be adjourned. The Motion <br />was seconded by Commissioner Macdonald and unanimously carried. <br />The Chairman then galled the Board of County Commissioners, <br />meeting in special session, to order. <br />Commissioner McCullers 'moved that the .request of Mr. Thomas <br />H-. Trent, Civil Defense Director, to go to Wildwood for one day. to confer <br />with State Divil Defense authorities, be granted; seconded by Commissioner <br />Waddell and unanimously carried. <br />The Chairman reported that the. Volunteer Ambulance Squad would <br />like the County to build an addition to the existing ambulance building, <br />(to replace the trailer). This is in addition to the $3,000 already budgeted. <br />After discussion, Commissioner Macdonald moved that the Board authorize <br />the advertising for bids for the construction of the building. Motion was, <br />seconded by Commissioner Waddell and unanimous ly'carried. <br />Commissioner Waddell moved that the Administrator be authorized <br />to write a letter stating that the Board has no objection to the Boy Scout <br />Jamboree being held in MacWilliam Park on December 2 through 4, 1966. <br />The Motion was seconded by Commissioner Haffield and unanimously carried. <br />Mr. Webber questioned the Board in regard to the payment of the <br />real estate taxes by the county on the Pohorsky.Estate, and explained that <br />the State Auditing Department has advised against paying further taxes until <br />the property is sold or title taken by the County. It was suggested by <br />the County Attorney that -the County not pay the taxes.- <br />There being no further business, on motion made, seconded and <br />carried, the Board then adjourned. PAOXX 10 PACE 60 NOV 1.6 Vis, <br />