7e installation of a well and/or private sewerage disposal system and that existing zoning and other pertinent regulatlons
<br /> ra and restrictions, such as subdivislon or deed restrictions , concurrency, growth management and environmental
<br /> T7 conditions, are acceptable to Buyer. This Contract is not contingent on Buyer conducting any ned by F oridaurther inLawi tloa .Any
<br /> n (d) Subdivided Lands : if this Contract is for the purchase of subdivided loose fits disposition into 50 or more
<br /> lots,
<br /> as
<br /> rs contiguous land which is divided or is proposed to be divided for the pure p
<br /> 1W parcels, units, or interests; or (b) Any land , whether contiguous or not , which is divided or proposed to be divided
<br /> into
<br /> let 50 or more lots , parcels, units, or Interests which are offered as a part of a common promotional plan. ' ,
<br /> Buyer may
<br /> 182 cancel this Contract for any reason whatsoever for a period of 7 business days from the date on whit B Buyer will er the
<br /> es
<br /> rs3 this Contract . If Buyer elects to cancel within the perlod provided , all funds or other property p b
<br /> 184refunded without penalty or obligation within 20 days of the receipt of the notice of cancellation by the developer.
<br /> im 7 . RiSK OF LOSS; EMINENT DOMAIN : It any portion of the Property is materially damaged by casualty before closing ,
<br /> Ise or Seller negotiates with a governmental authority to transfer all or part of the Property i lieu of eminent oa cell this Contract
<br /> fel or ii an eminent domain proceeding is Initiated , Seller will promptly Into Buyer. Either partyIn
<br /> Ise 13Y written notice to the other within 10 days from Buyer's receipt of Seller's nodficatlon, failing which Buyer will close if
<br /> any..
<br /> vee accordance with this Contract and receive all payments made by the government authority or insurances company,
<br /> TITLE
<br /> TITLE `kG�� Lw'��"iQ �,�u"�`-7" - " • -�,4� �
<br /> 190statutory warranty deed or trustee, personal representative
<br /> 1m 8. TITLE: Seller will convey marketable title to the Property by
<br /> 182 or guardian deed as appropriate to Setter's status.
<br /> im (a) 111le Evidence: Title evidence will show legal access to the Property and marketable title of record In Snon
<br /> e a of
<br /> 194 accordance with current title standards adopted by the Florida Bar, subject only to the following�tle ONO pt cements and
<br /> iw which prevent Buyer's intended use of the Property as n Mer e� 't
<br /> 18e restrictions of record; matters of plat; existing zoning and government regulat ; all, gas end at ell r will is record
<br /> It
<br /> ver there is no right of entry; current taxes; mortgages that Buyer win assume; and encumbrances that Seller will discharge at
<br /> iss or before dosing. Seller will deliver to Buyer Seller's choice of one of the sfollowing �(Specify til evidence, 5(c) the selected
<br /> lee which must be generally accepted In the county where the Property
<br /> 2w type). Seller will use option (1 ) in Palm Beach County and option (2) in Miami- Dade Countyo p d
<br /> 2m (1 ) A 'title insurance commitment issued by a Florida-licensed title Insurer In the amount of the aa .talu.
<br /> y
<br /> 202 subject only to title exceptions set forth in this Contract and deliveredno later�� sedn� �isting, the (5 � �
<br /> 200 (2) An exxisting abstract of title from a reputable and existing abstract
<br /> 204 certified as correct by an existing flim) purporting to be an accurate synopsis of the Instruments affecting title to the
<br /> 209 Property recorded in the public records of the county where the Property is located and certifiedbto tato t�Insurer
<br />206 However if such an abstract is not available to Seller, then a prior owner's title policy accepts
<br /> 207 as a base for reiseuance of coverage. Seller will pay for copies of an Policy exceptlons and an update in a
<br /> format
<br /> we acceptable to Buyer's closing agent from the policy effective date and
<br /> in tt a data. if a priod to Buyer r policy is not ar quyees lng agents
<br /> vallable to
<br /> W9 together with copies of all documents recited In the prior policy
<br /> zvo Seller then (1 ) above will be the title evidence. Title evidence will be delivered no later than 10 days before Closing Date.
<br /> 211 (b) Title F_xamtnatlon: Buyer wit examine the title evidence and deliver written notice to Seller, Wtthindays from receipt
<br /> 212 (b title evidence but no Tater than Closing Date, of any defects that make the title unmarketable. Seller will have 30 days
<br /> 213 from receipt of Buyer's notice of defects (" Curative Period") to cure the defects at Seller's expense. If Seller cures the
<br /> 214 defects within the Curative Period, Seller will deliver written notice to Buyer and the parties will close the transaction on
<br /> 218 Closing Date or within 10 days from Buyer's receipt of Seller's notice if Closing Date has passed . If Seller Is unable to
<br /> 218 cure the defects within the Curative Period , Seller will deliver written notice to Buyer and Buyer will, within 10 days from
<br /> 217 fects and close .the transactions
<br /> recei t of Seller's notice, either cancel this Contract or accept title with have theProperty surveyed and deliver written
<br /> 215 (c) Survey: Buyer ma , prior to Closing Date and at Buyer's expense ,
<br /> 21s notice to Seller, within y days from receipt of suryey but no later than J( days prior to closing, of any encroachments
<br /> on
<br /> 2m the Property, encroachr'hents by the Property's Improvements an other lends or deed restriction or zoning violations .lige Any
<br /> 221 such encroachment or violation will be treated in the same manner as a fide defect and Buyer's and Seller's obligations
<br /> 222 will be determined in accordance with subparagraph (b) above• lig seaward of the coastal construction control One as
<br /> 223 (d) Coastal Construction Control Line: If any pert of the Property
<br /> 224 defined in Section 161 ,053 of the Florida Statutes, Seiler shall provide Buyer with an affidavit or survey asrequire used
<br /> 225 delineating the Hne� location on the Property, unless Buyer waives this requirement In writing. The Property being
<br /> 220 may be subject to coastal erosion and to federal, state , or local regulations that govern coastal property, Including delineation
<br /> 227 of the coastal construction control line, rigid coastal protection structures, beach nourishment, and the protection of marine
<br /> 2n turtles . Additional information can be obtained from the Florida Department of Environment a tion, including whether
<br /> M there are significant erosion conditions associated with the shoreline of the Property g Pu
<br /> 23o' > Buyer waives the right to receive a CCCL affidavit or survey.
<br /> 232 9 . EFFECTIVE DATE; TIME; FORCE MAJEUREv-2 �� �hfl�� s�p�and
<br /> 233 (a) Effactive Date: The "Effective Date" of this Contract is kr#4P
<br /> a
<br /> 234 deHvera flaaleffer-oxcouatemffec Time is of the essence for all provisions of this Contract,
<br /> 235 (b) Time: All ti periods expressed as days will be computed In business days (a "business day is every calendar day
<br /> 239 except Sa day, ay and national legal holidays) , if any deadline falls on a Saturday, Sunday or national legal
<br /> 23T Buyer d Seller ( U acknowledge recelpt of a copy of this page, which is Page 4 of 7 Pages.
<br />