<br /> 3o1 15, ESCROW AGENT: Buyer and Seller auftrize Escrow Agent to receive, deposit and hold funds and other items In
<br /> Sox escrow and , subject to cleararlce, disburse them upon proper authorization and in accordance with Florida law and tterms
<br /> 301 of this Contract , including disfwrsing brokerage fees. The parties agree that Escrow Agent will not be
<br /> liable t0 any person
<br /> 4 rnisdellvery, of escrowed Items to Buyer or Seller, uNess the misdelNery Is due to Escrow Agent s willful breach
<br /> of this
<br /> 30
<br /> am Contract or gross negligence. If Escrow Agent interpleads the subject matter of the escrow, Escrow Agent will pay the
<br /> 306 filing fees and costs from the deposit and will recover reasonable attorneys' fees and costs to be paid
<br /> from the
<br /> 307 escrowed funds or equivalent and charged and awarded as court costs In favor of the preyral!Inq party.
<br /> All claims
<br /> 3w against Escrow Agent will beWIN to verifsralt&181=� 3w
<br /> arbitFated,-sedoag-as-Eserew-Agaflt-ee r► � ' Fn�
<br /> 300 1 : FEaS I[, -Bf"t
<br /> ate rofemlonal for legal advice or example, Interpreting c cts,
<br /> 310 that Important to them and to consult an appropriate p
<br /> 311 determin the effect of laws on the Property and transection , status Of title, foreign Investor reporting requlre�
<br /> ta , the
<br /> 312 effect of pro ging partially Or totally seaward of the Coastal Construction Control Line, etc.) and fo Sic
<br /> property
<br /> 313 condition, enviro ntal and other specialized advice. Buyer acknowledges that Broker does not r the Property
<br /> 314 and that all represan ' ns (oral , written or otherwise) by Broker are based On Seller represents or public records.
<br /> 315 Buyer agrees to rely so on Seger, professional Inspectors and governmental agencies forS�$ d expenses,
<br /> ace condition and facts that mat e Property
<br /> Ily affect Property value. Buyer and Seller respective paY
<br /> 317 including reasonable attorneys' f t all levels, Incurred by Broker and Broker's of is ; directors, agents and employees
<br /> 31s in connection with or arising from Bu s or Seller's misstatement or fallure t rform contractual obllgatlons . Buyer
<br /> 31e and Seller hold harmless and release B r and Broker's officers, direct ents and employees from all liability
<br /> for
<br /> azo loss or damage based on (1 ) Buyer's or Sol misstatement or faflu perform contractual ob%atlons; (2) Broker's
<br /> 321 performance , at Buyer's and/or Seller's request, any task beyo he scope of services regulated by Chapter 475,
<br /> sn F.S. , as amended, Including Broker's referral, reco ndatl r retention of any vendor; (3) products or services
<br /> 323 provided by any vendor; and (4) expenses incurred by a dor. Buyer and Seller each assume full responslbli ly for
<br /> 324 selecting and compensating their respective vendors. aph will not relieve Broker of statutory obligations. For
<br /> 3x5 purposes of this paragraph, Broker will be treated party to this tract. This paragraph will survive closing .
<br /> 3z5 17. BROKERS: The gcensee(s) and brolaerag mad below are cotac referred to as "Broker," Instruction to Cllfa�sing
<br /> In
<br /> 327 Ageft Seller and Buyer direct dosing to disburse at closing the fug Of the brokerage tees as spec
<br /> 32a separate brokerage agreements with parties .and cooperative agreements ba n the brokers, except to the extent
<br /> see Broker has retained such fees fro a escrowed funds. In the absence of . such brok a agreements, closing agent will
<br /> 33o disburse brokerage fees a dlcated below. This paragraph will not be used to mo any MLS or other offer of
<br /> 331 compensation made by er or listing broker to cooperating brokers.
<br /> 332 SeJAng FkrNerNreraBa Fee ($ a 911 of Pixrtiese Pncad
<br /> 333' SOM Sol" A eakenw No.
<br /> �' Pcxctrese'Pnce
<br /> Assode
<br /> 337. 18, ADDITIONAL TERMS:
<br /> STREETMAN as to Parcel #36- 33-38 -00001 -0040-00001 .0; GEORGE R . TUERK , INDIVIDUALLY
<br /> 24, 11997 as to Parcel #36=33-38-00001 - 0040-00001 . 1 ; and GEORGE H. STREETMAN and
<br /> CALPHREY Be STREETMAN , each as to a 'h undivided interest, as tenants In common , as to Parcel
<br /> #36-33-38-00001 -0050-00001 . 0
<br /> 1 . All Sellers are collectively referenced herein as " Seller"
<br /> 2 . Buyer and Seller acknowledge and agree that; a) Buyer will conduct due diligence on all three (3)
<br /> parcels owned by Seller; b) if Buyer proceeds to closing , Buyer shall purchase all three (3) parcels
<br /> from Seller at a simultaneous closing ; and c) if one ( 1 ) or more parcels are unsatisfactory , Buyer shall
<br /> not purchase any of the parcels . If one ( 1 ) or more parcels are not satisfactory to Buyer, Buyer shall
<br /> provide notice to Seller within five (5) days of such determination and , thereafter, Buyer shall not be
<br /> obligated to close on any of the parcels ; Seller shall refund the deposit back to Buyer; and neither
<br /> Buyer nor Seller shall have any further obligations to each other under this vacant land contract.
<br /> 354'
<br /> 355'
<br /> 355'
<br /> 367'
<br /> 358' Buyer d Seiler (4 ( 1 acknowledge receipt of a copy of this page, which Is Page 6 of 7 Pages.
<br />