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BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS <br /> J <br /> pr <br /> AI� <br /> y I:, <br /> T <br /> April 6 , 2001- VIA OVFR.NiGifr DF. .t.1VERY <br /> lvh-. George F . French , <br /> Underground Utilities , Inc . <br /> 390 21 " Street SF <br /> Vero Beach , FA .. 32462 <br /> NOTICE OF AWARD <br /> Reference : Indian River County Bid # 6051 Van Bergen & Hendry' s Water Assessment. <br /> Fear Mr. French , <br /> I am pleased to inform you that on April 6 , 2004, the Board of County Commissioners awarded the above <br /> referenced project to your company . The fallowing documents are required before the: applicable County <br /> department can issue a "Notice to Proceed " letter. <br /> 1 . Performance Band in the amount of 1251% of the contract amount . ($ 33 , 825 . 00) <br /> 2. Paye enl Bond in the amount of 100 % of the contract amount. ($27 ,060 .{)A) <br /> 3 . Certificate of Insurance. must name Indian River County as an additional insured and must provide for <br /> a 30 clay Notice of Cancellation . <br /> In accordance with section 255 .05( 1 )(a), Florida .Statutes , you are required to execute and record a Perfonivance <br /> Bons[ and a Payment Bond for the above referenced project. The fee schedule at. the Recording Office of the <br /> Clerk of the Court is as follows : <br /> + $6 .00 for the fi rst page <br /> $4 . 50 for each additional page And/or exhibit <br /> + Two sided copy will be, charged as two exhibits <br /> Please submit the Bonds and the Certificate of Insurance to the address provided below along with a check <br /> mach: payable to J .K . Barton , Clerk of the Court for recording fees to this office no later than April 19, 2004, <br /> Failure to comply with the established deadline for subnuttal of required documents may be grounds <br />fo <br /> cancellation of the award. <br /> In addition, enclosed are two copies of the Agreement . Please execute hath copies and sit them1with the <br /> required bonds and Certificate of Insurance <br /> `thank you for your prompt attention and if you have any gctestions, please do not hesitate to contact our offices. <br /> Since rely, <br /> — a <br /> Fran Powell , Purchasing Manager <br /> cc : Gordon Sparks, Utilities Department <br /> General Services Depad.ment • Purr.hav rig firvislara <br /> 2625190` # verjue Vero Beach, rJortda 32960-333.5•(772) 567-8t3{?E) Ext_ 1416*lrax: (772) 770} 5140 <br /> "snail : purchasing <br />