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WEDNES!'AY, FEBRUARY 22, 1967 <br />The Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County met <br />in regular session at the Courthouse, Vero ::each, Floiida, on Wed- <br />nesday, February 22, 1967, at :30 o°clock A. Mo Present were <br />Robert We Graves, Chairman; D. Be McCullers, Vice -Chairman, and <br />Donald Macdonald, Richard Bogosian and Jack Dritenbas. Also present <br />were Sherman N. Smith, County Attorney; Jack Jennings, County Admin- <br />istrator; and Alfred He Webber and Ruth Elliott, <br />eputy Clerks. <br />Mrs. Rosemary Richey, Supervisor of Elections, appeared before <br />the Board requesting funds in the amount of $7,500 for the forth- <br />coming Special Elections?: iCommisskoner. MacdohaWadoved•,! Seconded <br />by Commissioner-McCullers and unanimously carried, that the Supervisor's <br />request for additional funds for the elections be granted. <br />Mrs. Richey reported to the Board that she had received a telegram <br />from Secretary of State, Tom Adams, stating "we have been advised. that <br />Wme D. Meyers withdrawlis candidacy for State Senator District <br />30°Be Since the ballots were already at the printers, Mrs. Richey had <br />called Tallahassee and the Secretary of State's office had suggested <br />leaving Mr. Meyers name on the ballot, because either locking it off <br />on the voting machine or putting a blank sticker over his name might <br />cfeate confusion, and that Mr. Meyers'had been advised that it might <br />not be possible to removehd.s hame from the ballot when he withdrew. • <br />After discussion, it was the unanimous opinion of the Board to follow <br />the directions of the Secretary of States office. <br />Mrs. Richey also reported that Mre Eugene Skinn•=r of Skinner <br />Appliance, the polling place for Precinct 4A, has requested more rent. <br />Commissioner Dritenbas was requested to discuss the matter with him. <br />,Mre Al Crawford,.:representing the Association of Independent‘: <br />Insurance Agents of Indian River County, submitted an insurance proposal <br />giving the replacement cost, the insurable value, and the present amount <br />of insurance carried on all buildings owned by the County, and asked <br />the Board to consider the appointment of a committee such as theirs to <br />handle and keep up to date.the County's insurance,not only on buildings <br />but on the contents. A special meeting was set for Wednesday, March 1, <br />B 2 21967 Boot 10 PACE 261 <br />