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GeoSyntec Col,nsultants <br /> Himanshu H . Mehta, P . E . <br /> 14 December 2005 <br /> Page 5 <br /> fees . GeoSyntec ' s proposal assumes ten days of oversight for field activitiesassociated <br /> with the UST closure/source removal activities . A detailed breakdown of estimated <br /> project costs is included as Attachment B . <br /> Phase C — AST Installation Activities <br /> Phase C includes project activities associated with permitting and inst 1 <br /> P g a laltion of the <br /> IRC-provided 6 , 000-gallon ConVault AST which will be placed by IRC on the recently <br /> constructed concrete pad . Project work will involve the installation of required <br /> underground double-walled piping runs and monitoring equipment from the ASST to the <br /> emergency generator and a spare piping run to be installed for a future AST . The AST <br /> installation activities will be completed by FECC , a licensed pollutant storage systems <br /> contractor (PSSC ) , with oversight of the installation work by GeoSyntec . Due to the <br /> uncertainties associated with AST installation activities , a 15 percent contingency has <br /> been added to the subcontractor task cost . The contingency is in place to cover items <br /> such as increased piping runs based upon subsurface conditions , inability to use some of <br /> the existing UST leak monitoring equipment , etc . GeoSyntec will notify IRCDUS of <br /> any field conditions that may require accessibility of contingency fees . GeoSyntec ' s <br /> proposal assumes three days of oversight for field activities associated withl the AST <br /> system piping, which includes a final check-out inspection and the preparagIon of as - <br /> built drawings . A detailed breakdown of estimated project costs is included as <br /> Attachment B . <br /> Phase D — Reporting <br /> GeoSyntec will prepare a Tank Closure/Source Removal Report in accord nce with <br /> Chapter 62 - 761 , Florida Administrative Code (FAC) and FDEP Storage Tan System <br /> Closure Requirements . The report will include photographs documenting the tank <br /> closure work and petroleum source removal activities , laboratory analytical r sults for <br /> collected soil and groundwater samples in tables and figures , and a detailed suimary of <br /> the field activities completed at the site . The report will include a recomme dation to <br /> complete a Site Assessment in accordance with the requirements of Chapte 62 - 770 , <br /> FAC , or propose No Further Action (unlikely) , based upon soil and groundwater <br /> conditions upon completion of the UST closure and source removal activities . he final <br /> reports ( four hard copies and one electronic copy to be provided to IRC ) will t e signed <br /> and sealed by the Florida- licensed professional engineer in responsible char e of the <br /> project . A detailed breakdown of estimated project costs is included as Attachm nt B . <br /> R050083 /XR05088 — UST Closure Cost Proposal <br />