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Indian River County, Florida 3 <br /> Address Point Creation <br /> Task # 3 GTG Proiect Responsibilities <br /> Pilot Project <br /> The GTG team shall complete all of the project defined tasks, and shall deliver all of <br /> the project defined products and datasets for a small selected geographic area , that <br /> shall be decided and mutually agreed upon by the County and GTG . The geographic <br /> area selected for this pilot will include at least a representative sample of most of the <br /> circumstances that GTG may encounter in the production phase . This Pilot will be <br /> completed and delivered within 2 months from contract execution . The Pilot <br /> deliverables will be sufficiently complete to enable the County to evaluate the data <br /> and the database design and data structure for compliance to the project <br /> requirements and the data 's compatibility with the County's GIS . <br /> County Responsibility for the Pilot Project <br /> The County will have 10 business days to review the Pilot Project Deliverables . GTG <br /> will make any modifications to the deliverables in a timely and accurate manner. <br /> Project management <br /> GTG understands the need to provide fulltime project management for efficient and <br /> timely completion of all of the above described tasks within the overall project <br /> negotiated schedule , with completion to the QA/QC standards required . GTG will <br /> provide monthly written reports of progress ( % complete by task) , make supervisory <br /> and project management staff available for on -site meetings of status reporting and <br /> problem discussion/resolution , and provide reports of areas and instances within the <br /> County addressing databases that are sufficiently problematic that corrections need <br /> to be made . GTG will provide reports for problem areas that include <br /> recommendations for alternative methods for efficient correction . Problem area <br /> reporting shall be accomplished on a regular basis as the field verification is <br /> completed throughout the project schedule in order that County staff may have <br /> opportunity to make decisions and implement changes through the time period of <br /> the contract . GTG understands that notification of the public for any corrected and/or <br /> re- addressed areas will be accomplished by County staff and is not within the scope <br /> of the GTG 's services . <br /> Project Deliverables <br /> At the completion of the project, GTG will deliver to the County detailed <br /> documentation on the overall project process . In addition , GTG will provide the <br /> County with a brief demonstration of how GeoBlade ADDRESS is used in conjunction <br /> with relevant GIS data layers . Finally, GTG will give the County all the tools and <br /> information needed so that the maintenance of a comprehensive address point layer <br /> can be performed by Indian River County . <br /> GTG will deliver on time the following project deliverables : <br /> Deliverable # 1 Exception Report : List of unmatched addresses - GTG will work <br /> closely with the County to identify the cause for all unmatched address records in the <br /> database . GTG will make all changes after input from the County . Any remaining <br /> unmatched records that cannot be rectified by GTG even after input will be delivered <br /> to the County . <br /> � za 13 -0 , .„ <br />