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we need to have access to the underside of all the affected areas to determine the presence of an <br /> existing corrugated metal deck. The metal deck is an essential part of the mechanically fastened <br /> system in order to achieve the uplift requirements per Florida Building Code . <br /> One-way roof moisture vents will be required at approximately 500 square foot intervals and all <br /> roof penetrations will require re-flashing utilizing the approved membrane manufacturer ' s <br /> standard detail systems . The existing perimeter roof drainage swale and downspout system will <br /> need to be maintained while integrating new flashing systems . The roof drains need to be <br /> replaced with integral strainer baskets to prevent blockage by overhanging trees . <br /> It is our understanding that the existing roofing membrane is a heat welded Brai -Intec system <br /> over a (2 ) two inch rigid insulation board fastened over the original roofing and deck. This <br /> system will remain in place and the proposed new system will span over it . The question arose <br /> about how far east to carry the new system, since the roof is contiguous to the existing <br /> Administration Building, which is ultimately scheduled for demolition . It is our <br /> recommendation to terminate the new roofing where the 3 inch rise occurs at the covered <br /> breezeway . When the Administration Building is demolished, all or a portion of, the roof over <br /> the breezeway can be saved and the new roofing system can be extended and terminated with <br /> proper flashings . <br /> COMPENSATION AND FEE SCHEDULE . <br /> From the DMS Fee Schedule , utilizing $ 138 , 000 as construction budget, and by way of cross <br /> referencing the graph to an 8 . 9 % fee , equates to $ 12 ,282 . 00 plus a fixed amount for <br /> reimbursable expenses of $ 318 . 00 (as described on our Rate Schedule Jan-2004 included in our <br /> master agreement with I . R. C . ) = a total lump sum fee of $ 12 ,600 . 00. <br /> Complete field investigations 15 % $ 1 , 890 . 00 <br /> 50% Design documents 25 % $ 39150 . 00 <br /> 90% Design Documents 40 % $ 5 , 040 . 00 <br /> Bidding/Award 05 % $ 630 . 00 <br /> Construction Administration 15 % $ 1 , 890 . 00 <br /> Totals : 100 % $ 129600 . 00 <br /> SCHEDULE . <br /> Task Completion Date <br /> Negotiate Agreement 10 February 2005 <br /> Field Investigations 16 February 2005 <br /> Page 2 of 3 <br />