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Field survey data will be obtained through use of RTK GPS methodology as a <br /> means to quickly and accurately perpetuate the physical location of the <br /> monumentation. GPS surveys will be referenced to the surrounding County-wide <br /> geodetic control densification. <br /> Data Assessment: <br /> Information from the above three tasks will be analyzed to identify discrepancies <br /> or "potential issues" and will determine the final survey methodology we will use <br /> to establish the comer location. A thorough investigation will be made into the <br /> original and dependent GLO surveys concerning the found corners . We expect to <br /> have issues with the abundance of canals and roads that, during their construction, <br /> may have caused the comer to become lost or obliterated. <br /> Total Estimated Cost $635917 . 10 <br /> Our estimated time frame to complete this project is 180 calendar days (6 months) . <br /> Trusting you find this information to be in order and looking forward to hearing from you <br /> in the very near future, I remain, <br /> Yours 'Truly, <br /> Carter Associates, Inc. <br /> . A <br /> David E . Luethje, P . S .M. <br /> cc : Marvin E . Carter, P . S .M . <br /> Jeffery Lance, P . S .M. <br /> S : \P\03 -759s\docs\03 -7595 O'Brien-Trans 5 - 19-04 . doc <br />