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Motion was made by Commissioner Macdonald,:econded by <br />Commissioner Dr.itenbas and unanimously carried, that thel'Board approves <br />ti <br />the suggestion of Foster V. Wright, Representativeof Blue Cross -Blue <br />Shield 'of Florida., Inc.', `in letter dated June 20, hatq the County <br />r <br />adopte0 a ninety (90) day waiting period for new employees, effective <br />July 15, 1967. <br />.Motion was made by Commissioner DritenbaS .seconded by <br />Commissioner Macdonald and unanimously carried., that the Board adopt <br />some form of agenda and perhaps improve on it as wetgo along. <br />The several bills and accounts against the County, having <br />been audited, were examined and found to be correct, were approve and <br />warrants issudd in settlement of same as follows: General Fund, Nos. <br />7172 to 7221,, both inclusive; Road and Bridge Fund,, Nos. 4500 to 4505, <br />.both inclusive; and Fine and Forfeiture Fund, Nos. 716 to 722, both <br />inclusive. Such 'bills and accounts being on office of the <br />Clerk of the Circuit Court, and the'warrant.s so issued from the respective <br />funds being listed in the Supplemental Minute Book as prpvided by.the <br />rules of the State Auditor, reference to such,recotd and list so <br />recorded, being made a part of these minutes. <br />There being no further business on Motion made, Seconded and <br />carried, the Board adjourned at 3:20 o'clock P. M,. <br />ATTEST: <br />-411111?1) <br />ROBERT W. GRAVES, CHAIRMAN <br />