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EXHIBIT A <br /> Eastern Indian River County Township / Sectional Control FAJ <br /> � �% % ;Phase 3 (Townships 31 , 32 & 33 South , Range 38 East) J. <br />�Ih <br /> Scope of Services NICK M I L L E R , I N C . <br /> 1 . Obtain all pertinent Certified Corner Records , Government Land Office plats , field notes and <br /> Instructions to the Surveyor for the project area . <br /> 2 . Print available imagery to include DOQQ ' s and Indian River County Property Appraiser digital <br /> orthophotos . <br /> 3 . Prepare overviews of the three townships within the project area to include preparation of an <br /> ArcGIS geodatabase , map exhibits and reports . The overviews will contain known information <br /> about individual section and quarter section corners . Mapping exhibits will also be delivered in <br /> AutoCAD format . <br /> 4 . Review each of the townships with the Indian River County Surveyor and update the township <br /> overviews based on comments and information received . <br /> 5 . Arrange and conduct a forum with all willing local surveyors to discuss the project and their <br /> knowledge of section and quarter section corners within or pertinent to the project area. <br /> 6 . Perform field reconnaissance in the townships to determine the extent of existing monuments <br /> near the section and quarter section corner positions — approximately 320 locations . The extent of <br /> reconnaissance will be balanced based on the consultant' s understanding of the relative <br /> importance of the corners involved . Thus , some searches may be very thorough while others are <br /> more or less cursory. <br /> 7 . References will be established for all found monuments and sketches will be prepared . <br /> Monuments will be positioned with a mapping grade ( 1 to 3 meter relative positioning , more or <br /> less) GPS receiver for quick recovery and planning purposes . GPS survey observation diagrams <br /> will also be prepared at this time . <br /> 8 . Plan and execute a horizontal control survey using static GPS survey techniques to locate all <br /> monuments recovered during the field reconnaissance mission . The control survey will achieve a <br /> relative positional accuracy of 1 . 5 centimeters . <br /> 9 . Update the geodatabase and township overview maps and reports based on the research , <br /> discussions , meetings , reconnaissance and observations outlined herein . <br /> 10 . Prepare a report summarizing the status of the section and quarter section corners . Status <br /> information to include , "found" , "missing" , physical characteristics of monuments , lineage and <br /> recommendations regarding acceptance and/or further investigation . <br /> Eastern Indian River County Township / Sectional Control <br /> Phase 3 (Townships 31 , 32 & 33 South , Range 38 East) <br /> Schedule <br /> Scheduling is based on calendar days from receipt of notice to proceed . <br /> Scope of Services Items 1 through 5 — Completed within 3 months . <br /> Scope of Services Items 6 and 7 — Completed within 5 months . <br /> Scope of Services Items 8 through 10 — Completed within 7 months . <br /> >FAEngineering\Capital Projects\0504 Township- Mapping Project\Nick Miller contract\Work Orders\WO 2 Phase 3\0504 Twp . 33 , 32, 31 - <br /> Rge38 , Nick Miller- IRC WO#2 12-06-05 -mob.doc <br />