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The Clerk of. the Circuit Court (County Auditor) after <br />tentatively ascertaining the proposed'fiscal policies of the Board <br />for the ensuing fiscal year, from the 1st day of October, 1967, to <br />the 30th day of September, 1968, prepared and presented to the Board <br />a tentative budget for the ensuing fiscal year for each of the funds, <br />as provided in Chapter 26874, Laws of 1951, including all estimated <br />receipts, taxes to be levied, and balances expected to be brought <br />forward, and all estimated expenditures, reserves and balances to be <br />carried over to the end of the year.; On Motion be Commissioner <br />Dritenbas, seconded by Commissioner McCullers and carried, the Board <br />tentatively approved said budget and ordered that a public hearing <br />be held on August 25, 1967, at 8:30 A. M., and that the following <br />summary statement be spread upon the minutes of the Board in words and <br />figures as'follows: <br />AUG <br />• <br />• ` <br />680# .io £4C1426 <br />