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13 . Prepare and submit draft PDR (5 copies) to IRC for review and proceed with the <br /> preliminary site plan approval process . <br /> 14 . Prepare for and attend one meeting with IRC staff to review comments on the draft <br /> report. <br /> 15 . Prepare and submit final PDR (5 copies) to IRC incorporating written comments . <br /> TASK 2. 0 - PERMITTING SERVICES <br /> Locating the dewatering facility at the IRC landfill places some unique permitting requirements <br /> on the facility . Activities performed under this task consist of those functions required to <br /> prepare the permit documents for submittal to the Florida Department of Environmental <br /> Protection (FDEP) , meeting with the FDEP, and responding to the FDEP' s request for additional <br /> information (RAIs) . There are also IRC Planning and Zoning specific requirements for the site . <br /> More specifically this task includes the following subtasks : <br /> Subtask 2. 1 - FDEP Wastewater Section <br /> Our project approach is based upon our understanding of the FDEP regulations, our familiarity <br /> with the site, and our site work at other facilities . CDM will assist IRC in obtaining a <br /> construction and operation permit by performing the following : <br /> Subtask 2 . 1 . 1 - FDEP Wastezvater Facilihj Permit Application <br /> CDM will prepare the permit application and supporting documentation required for the <br /> facility in accordance with Chapter 62-620, F . A . C . Information will include the preliminary <br /> design report (Task 1 .4) , site plans, washwater requirements, wastewater disposal, and solids <br /> handling procedures . These items will be outlined in the PDR which will be the basis of the <br /> permit application. <br /> Subtask 2 . 1 . 2 - Responses to Completeness Inquinj <br /> Should the FDEP determine that additional information is required to process the application, <br /> CDM will assist IRC in preparing responses to the RAIs . Under this scope of work, CDM will <br /> prepare responses for up to two sets of RAIs for the FDEP . <br /> Subtask 2 . 1 . 3 - Meetings <br /> This subtask shall include : <br /> ■ One pre-application meeting with the FDEP Central District in Orlando . <br /> ■ Two review meetings with IRC . <br /> ■ One meeting with the FDEP (Orlando) after the permit application is submitted . <br /> Subtask 2. 2 - FDEP ERP Minor Modification <br /> Our project approach is based upon our understanding of FDEP regulations, our familiarity <br /> with the site, and our site work at other facilities . CDM will assist IRC in obtaining a <br /> construction and operation permit by performing the following: <br /> A-4 mh2200. doc <br />