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Attachment A — Scope of Services <br /> June 2007 <br /> Work Order 9 <br /> Indian River County Beach <br /> Sector 7 <br /> Post-Project Monitoring <br /> INTRODUCTION <br /> The Sector 7 project was completed in May 2007, and requires post-project monitoring per FDEP <br /> and USACE issued permits. The project placed approximately 360, 000 c.y. of sand from the <br /> offshore borrow site, and included a vegetated dune feature . The project permits require physical <br /> and biological monitoring for post-project and a minimum of three years following construction , <br /> which is annually until 2010 . <br /> This scope of work includes tasks to perform the monitoring and reporting for the post- <br /> construction event. <br /> Task 1 Post-Construction Biological Monitoring <br /> The FDEP permit requires biological monitoring following the construction . CSA will perform the <br /> biological monitoring , CEG will perform required 2nd party quality assurance of the monitoring <br /> data , and ATM will perform necessary quality control on the reporting of the data . Work will <br /> include surveying the seven transects established under the pre-construction event. An additional <br /> five transects are required per monitoring protocol , and will be established . Data will be acquired <br /> at each of the cross-shore quadrat locations for all twelve transects. The data collection will <br /> include collecting quadrat and sediment thickness data along the eight project transects , and <br /> surveying the nearshore edge. If weather or visibility conditions prevent the collection of data , <br /> contingency monitoring will occur per protocol . <br /> ATM and CEG will coordinate with FDEP and USACE on nearshore conditions and efforts <br /> undertaken as part of this task. The consultants and the County will have weekly teleconferences <br /> to coordinate efforts. <br /> ATM and CSA will provide the County with regular updates via e-mail or teleconferences of the <br /> field efforts, and a report presenting the data and an analysis of the data . <br /> Task 2 Post-Construction Physical Monitoring Report <br /> ATM will analyze the data and prepare a post-construction report. The report will include <br /> reporting of the pre-and post-construction surveys of the beach profiles and borrow site . ATM will <br /> analyze the data for placed sand , shoreline and volume changes and the post-project condition of <br /> the borrow site. ATM will provide the FDEP with aerial photography (rectified and geo-referenced <br /> under a separate work order). ATM will prepare the Post-Construction Physical Monitoring Report <br /> as necessary. The County will provide ATM with comments to a draft version , and ATM will <br /> distribute the report as necessary. <br /> It is anticipated that the beach profile and borrow site surveys will be performed by the contractor. <br /> The aerial photography will be conducted under a separate work order. <br />